Am I a Monster?!

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Notes: Karen feels unloved as the two people who means the most to her rejects her. While one of them doesn't realizes that he did.

TRIGGER WARNING!!!: Emotional chapter. Mentions of suicide and cutting and mentions of depression/anxiety and sexual assault. Feelings of rejection.

It was a month later and Karen's skin had been in the healing stage. It hadn't been as bad as before and it was bearable to her which is the only thing that mattered and Drew had even been helping her to massage moisturizer on her skin so, he could get used to it. However, even though he was her husband and had been helping her he still couldn't bring himself to actually "make love" to her like he claim he could do. It wasn't that he had completely lied to his wife it was that he kinda felt a certain way about it and he didn't want to make her feel bad if he couldn't get hard like he used too. Of course, he felt shallow just thinking about it. So, that's why he tried his best to be there for her in other ways and showed her intimacy without the "sexual" part.

He just didn't want to be compared to Dorinda because he knew he was better than that or else Mama Sheard and everyone else was gonna get him.

He knew Karen had been giving him subtle hints about wanting to "do-the-do" after he said all that but like before he couldn't bring himself to do it and he had felt like he had led his own wife on which bothered him because he was supposed to love her through and through and he had to check within himself if they really had "true love" or was the love he showed her just "conditional love" and if he had conditional love he knew that he was gonna be the next person to break Karen's heart and he didn't want to do that too his wife who he had claimed to love.

Because he had been avoiding her when it came to what they used to call their "bedroom fun" and now it mainly was none because of the fire. So, here he was trying to figure out what he was gonna do or how he was gonna tell Karen that he didn't really wanna have sex with her anymore or until her face heals and the rest of her body because he couldn't really picture himself being physically intimate with her. Of course he tried cuddling with her once before earlier on but that was painful for her because of the burn wounds so, he stopped then but once they had healed and Karen had wanted to cuddle but it was as if he didn't want to and he always made up some excuse that he was busy.

The next following night, Karen had been frustrated with Drew about not being intimate with her and she thought about how she had been a good wife to him especially whenever she didn't want to fuck him. So, now she just felt used on top of everything else.

When it was time for them to go too bed, Karen had settled on wearing Drew's favorite lingerie piece thinking that this would be a good way for him to get in the mood.

So, when she came out of the bathroom and Drew looked up from the tv he immediately knew what was about to happen and this time he didn't really have an excuse to turn down her advances.

"Drewww?" Karen nervously called out to him in her raspy voice whining a bit as she did when she was in the mood and Drew knew that voice and he was so, nervous for the day that it came up because he didn't know what he was gonna do and now that day was officially here.

"Umm. Yeahh?" He nervously asked her trying to act as if he was dumb and not know what Karen had wanted but they had done this a million times before the fire.

So, when he had looked up at her with his favorite lingerie piece seeing her in it with being a burn survivor he had noticed the change in her body. Obivously the burns were there as well as the marks and scars. Now, Drew could handle the scars from her cutting because it wasn't so bad to look at hell he had even kissed them a number of times before when he had went down on her giving her head before in the past.

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