Please don't

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Notes: Karen decides on if she should tell her family the truth or not about her secret?

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of self-harm or attempting too.

After staying outside for a while after thinking about what Dorinda said, Karen came back in wanting to know if everyone really thought that she was crazy but was just too afraid to tell her.

"Do y'all really think that about me?" Karen asked them after coming back inside from crying outside and they saw how messed her makeup was and everyone turned around to look at her.

"Karen." Drew said as he came up next to her trying to pull her in closer but Karen pulled away from him.

"Is that what y'all really think about me?" Karen asked them again as she walked towards the kitchen. She looked down at the floor with tear-stricken eyes going into the kitchen with her family trailing behind her.

"Karen." Jacky said coming into the kitchen only to see Karen holding a sharp object in her hand.

"Karen." Jacky said trying to hold her so, she could take it away from Karen because she didn't want to think about what she was gonna do with it next.

"No, Karen we don't think that about you." Denise quickly said noticing how Karen was holding it as she was just rubbing the sharp glass with her thumb like it didn't bother her even though a little bit of blood was coming out.

"Karen." Jacky slowly said again trying to get her to drop the glass on the floor.

"No one thinks those things about you." Jacky calmly told her. "Let's just sit down so we can talk about what happened, okay?" Jacky said in the sweetest voice that she could muster up.

But Karen shook her head no as if she was ready to end it all over what Dorinda said.

"How can I believe you?" Karen asked them. "Any of you?" She whined as she just kept playing with it in her hand twisting it around as no more blood was coming out and everybody was scared out of their minds for her.

"We don't that was all just a misunderstanding. You know how Dorinda gets when she gets mad." Jacky said. "I mean Quin did try too do serious damage to her." Jacky told her not wanting to specifically say what Quin tried to do because she wouldn't know if that would trigger Karen or not and she ain't want to find out either.

"Kare let's just sit down okay and you can tell us how you feel about this whole entire situation." Jacky said trying to choose her words carefully but Karen still shook her head no with it still in her hands tightly. So, while Jacky kept trying to talk Karen down from whatever she was planning on doing Drew slowly walked behind his wife telling the others to be quiet by placing a finger over his lips so, she wouldn't notice since she was sobbing.

Once, Drew was finally behind, Karen he could feel how tense his wife was without even touching her. Her body heat was insane.

Then, he slowly took his hand and grabbed the sharp glass from hers as he slowly pulled it out of her hand while Jacky talked to her distracting Karen and once he finally got it he quickly pulled back away from Karen not wanting her to try too reach for it again and when, Karen noticed that it was no longer in her hands she turned around only to see Drew on the other side of the couch almost as if he was staring her down but he was really trying to catch his breath because he was scared out of his mind that she was gonna try too stop him from taking it earlier on and he was just glad that she didn't.

So, Karen looked down at her hand and noticing the dried up blood which was only a speck and looked back at Drew's body language as the sweat was steady dripping from his forehead.

And then she looked back down at her hand as Jacky just continued talking trying not to make it seem so, awkward for Karen as to what just happened.

Then, once she noticed that she didn't have it in her hands as she couldn't even think about where it's possibly gone too she started fidgeting with her fingers not looking up and they knew that Karen was about to go into a depressive episode.

So, Drew left Karen downstairs with Jacky needing to find out a few things before he had his own talk with her in front of them. He knew, Jacky would have Karen in good hands while he left for a little bit to go do what he had to do.

So, when Drew finally threw the glass safely away he went upstairs to check again he had known or thought that Karen was taking her medicine because he would watch her do it. But then he had to realize that Karen would be sneaky when it came to her medication and he had figured that she would probably crush it up in her mouth hiding it behind her tongue because there was no way that this would've happened if she was taking her medication like she was supposed too.

Drew scratched his head a little bit frustrated at how his wife was going about with doing things and then he came over to Jacky whispering something in her here along the lines of "he got this" and she rightfully took a break sitting back on the couch as he gently took his wife by the shoulder going upstairs so, they could talk.

"Karen I need for you to take your medicine." Drew pleaded with her.

"Honey why aren't you listening to Dr.Womack?" Drew asked her and Karen just bit her lip thinking about her baby boy that was carrying and she couldn't tell him yet at least not today but maybe tomorrow when she was finally four months pregnant.

"I..Just can't." Karen said looking away from him. "Look at me." Drew said getting down on his knees in front of her. "I'm literally begging you right now. I'm pleading with you right now to PLEASEEE take your medicine." Drew begged of her.

"I don't wanna have to put my wife away." Drew said as he pulled her in from the bottom of her waist lightly squeezing her ass while resting his hand on her as he was kneeling.

"Karen please do it for me if not me then do it for our son..." Drew said and Karen nearly panicked.

"Andrew." He finished nearly, scaring the crap out of her because she thought that he knew about the recent pregnancy when he wasn't supposed to yet.

"If you won't do it for me then do it for him." He said.

"He loved seeing his mother happy." Drew told her. "He hated seeing her crying or anything other than happy." Drew said seeing that when Karen cried Andrew cried and that's why she would always try not to do it around him. It was like they were attached to the hip.

"And I don't want you going to jail I wouldn't know what I would do without you." Drew said as he started crying and it broke her heart and immediately, Karen felt guilty about lying to him for 3 months.

"Just take it for me?" Drew begged her handing her the pill with a glass of water in his other hand. So, when Karen saw that she finally took the pill noticing that she hadn't took too many so, she knew it wouldn't hurt the baby that bad. But Karen did know that after what just happened with her and her siblings that she had to keep this pregnancy an even bigger secret than what she was doing. Because if Dorinda found out and connected her behavior with her pregnancy hormones on top of her not taking her medication then all hell was going to break loose and Karen did not need that happening again.

She already couldn't handle today and her stomach was still cramping after falling on the floor. But she just had to pray over for the time being seeing that her family wasn't about to let her out of their sight with the episode that she had just had and believe it or not Karen didn't believe them either. She was starting not to trust herself so much after today. Which was why she was so conflicted on if she should continue on keeping this secret.

But the fear of losing her child again to abortion was stronger than her telling them and getting the proper help. So, she just decided that she was going to suffer for another couple of months until she felt ready to tell them.

To be continued...


How do y'all think that Karen is feeling after that fight with Dorinda?

Were y'all worried about Karen still holding that glass?

Were y'all glad that Drew was able to get it from her without getting hurt again?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!

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