Was It You?

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Notes: This is a continuation from the last chapter as well as the fact that Karen remembers something that could help her in her next court case.

TRIGGER WARNING: Fighting. Violence. Mentions of guns. Falling while pregnant.

"You did what?!" Jacky asked her sister being all shocked. "I almost killed her." Karen nonchalantly said as she was on the phone with her oldest sister while the siblings were on the lines listening to them. "Jacky I had every right to do what I did to her because she shouldn't have been putting her hands on my baby!" Karen hollered at them over the phone. "Yes I might've blacked out and saw red but she had it coming to her especially when she insulted and basically blamed me for getting raped and I just lost it all I wanted to do was to confront her about the bruise that was hiding in between my child's skin on his neck and then she started saying all that other shit and NO I'M NOT SORRY FOR BEATING HER ASS because she really made me feel like I deserved being raped and now I'm pregnant and I don't know if Drew's the daddy or not and the other case is coming and Dorinda probably had something to do with it and everything is just so messed up now!" Karen said as she started talking faster with each heavy breath she took as she tried to calm herself down.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Jacky hollered at Karen over the phone and all you could hear is Jacky getting ready to go somewhere. "JACKY?!" Twinkie said as she knew exactly what her big sister was about to do. "Lawd Jesus fix it." Twinkie said shaking her head.

And about 20 minutes later, Jacky showed up at Dorinda's door step mad as hell.

"Ughhh Jacky not you too?!" Dorinda said annoyed as hell after she had got herself all cleaned up and washed up in some fresh clothes after, Karen had drew blood from her.

"Yes me too little sister, I done told you that you had one more time to mess with Karen before I stepped in." Jacky told her. "Ughh that cry baby ass snitch bitch told y'all do you see what she did to my beautiful face?!" Dorinda cried putting an ice patch over her face to wear Karen had gave her a black eye and Jacky looked at the rest of Doe's face and she noticed that Karen had gave her a busted up lip, her teeth looked kind of crooked now from Karen punching her in the mouth with scratches on her face, bits of Dorinda's hair that looked liked it had been pulled out was on the floor during the fight and a big ass knot on her got damn big ole' forehead which came from Karen slamming her into the table on the side.

"She messed you up real good and now it's my turn!" Jacky told her closing the door behind her so, Dorinda couldn't run out of her own house to get away from the big sis who ran shit.

"I was trying to give you a chance to get yourself together but it seemed like you couldn't even do that." Jacky told her walking up close to her and so, Dorinda quickly broke the bag of ice she had on her eye to reduce the swelling and poured it all over, Jacky causing her to gasp as she tried to make her run for it. But Jacky had caught up to Dorinda and yanked her roughly by her neck from behind and turned her around to knock her clean out watching Dorinda fall to the floor going night night and that's for putting your hands on my nephew Aidden and talking shit about my baby sister, Karen. And you betta stay your ass at home too." Jacky warned her making that a promise as she got down to her knees to tell Dorinda that seeing that Doe had been trying to stir in the sleep that Jacky had put her in but she couldn't get out of it blacking out from the punch that Jacky threw.

Which was why Jacky never put her hands on her earlier on because she knew that she could've seriously hurt, Dorinda worse than Karen did and why she had to contain herself in court because ain't wanted to go too jail just yet just because Dorinda had got underneath her skin.

It had to be something more serious to where Jacky had a good reason to fight her and she finally did.

Meanwhile Karen was taking her a hot shower after talking to her siblings needing to relax a little after nearly, killing Dorinda. But while she was taking her shower Karen started having what she thought was hot flashes in the shower as she put her head down and her hands on the shower walls trying to keep herself together so, she wouldn't faint in the shower.

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