Something sinister

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen comes back home to think about her pregnancy only to find out that Quin and Alice are up to no good.

Once, Karen got home from the doctors office, Karen quickly took the sonogram out of the fikder and hide it in a safe that only she had known about. She guessed she should've put the other pictures of her and Andrew in there as well so, no one would get to them but she knew that wasn't fair to Drew since he was his son too and he had been the one to capture that beautiful moment of them.

She had stopped by her favorite ice cream parlor to get something sweet to celebrate her being pregnant. She didn't know when she was going to tell everyone that she was pregnant. She just knew that she couldn't tell them this soon. So, that meant that she was going to be lying to Drew for a very long time. It didn't feel right to her lying to her husband but she also didn't want her disorder to cause her to have to get rid of her baby.

If anything Drew could've watched their child for them while Karen got the help that she needed. They didn't have to snatch it all away from her like it was taken away from her the last time and so, she was prepared for the falling out when everyone would find out that she was pregnant.

But they wouldn't give her a chance. It wasn't her fault that this had happened to her. The baby shouldn't be punished because of a disorder. She could most definitely take care of another baby without harming it or without the baby being harmed by someone else. They just had to trust her and Karen was gonna prove that to them by not telling them that she was pregnant.

She'll tell them in due time. She thought to herself.

So, she sat down on her bed looking at her sonogram again before putting it back in the safe and in the closet to where she hid all of her personal belongings that nobody could see not even, Drew himself.

Then, she went to go take nap but not before her alters had came out to speak too her.

"So....." Alice said happily jumping up and down again. "JESUS WOULD YOU QUIT IT ALREADY?!" Quintella screamed at Alice. "You're gonna hurt the baby with all of that jumping you're doing!" Quin yelled. "And you're gonna do the same thing to with ALL OF THAT YELLING THAT YOU'REEE DOING!" Alice said sticking out her tongue at Alice making her so, mad that she took off and started chasing Alice around their area trying to hit her.

"Owww, Ouchh get her off of me!" Alice screamed at her when Quin had finally got a hold of Alice's hair and started hitting her on top of the head with her hand and Karen got annoyed with the both of them. "SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU!" Karen hollered at them and immediately they stopped with Quin abruptly letting go of Alice shoving her to the floor.

"Ouch!" Alice said. "What are you trying to do kill the baby already?!" Alice yelled at her folding her arms and Quin just rolled her eyes. "Well maybe if you weren't so annoying then maybe I wouldn't have to beat your ass all the time!" Quin said. And so, Karen started thinking to herself that maybe this wasn't such a good idea to keep the pregnancy to herself and reverse everything but as soon as she started thinking that Quin caught her.

"Oooh, no you don't. Don't go telling them!" Quin hollered at her. "If Alice wasn't so annoying then maybe we could all be calm and poised but no she isn't!" Quin said blaming Alice for her behavior. "It's not my fault that you don't have no self control!" Alice said taunting Quin. "Look Bitch I will fight you again!" Quintella screamed at her and before they got into another argument Karen yelled at the both of them.

"JUST SHUT UP FOR LIKE A SECOND AND LET ME THINK!" Karen hollered at them making the both of their eyes go wide at her. "Yeah that pregnancy already got you acting a certain way I don't know how you're gonna hide that from everyone especially Drew unless Drew is as dumb as he looks." Quin said shrugging her shoulders. "My husband is NOT dumb, Quin!" Karen hollered at her. "Especially when he knows he doesn't wanna fuck you and if he was dumb then why do you even want him?!" Karen yelled at her. "Because silly, dumb men have that dumb dick duhhh!" Quintella said smirking at Karen and Karen wanted to fight her at this moment but she knew that wasn't a good idea.

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