Family Matters

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew talks to Karen about what's been going on and mentions that she may needs therapy again.

After, Drew had caught Karen dancing by herself she had to come clean about her alters coming back in full force.

"Drewww I don't know how to manage them." Karen said as she started to get upset and Drew noticed this coming up to his wife as she placed a frustrated hand over her temples trying to do what Dr.Womack said to do ahead of time before one of them came out to protect her.

"It's okay. It's okay. And that's why you'll learn how to manage them when you'll go to therapy again." Drew told her and at that moment she felt, Quintella wanting to come out of her. But she mentally had to tell herself no knowing that Drew was only trying to help.

"No, no, no, no." Karen said to herself shaking her head covering the both of her ears to block out Quintella. "He's just trying to help." Karen whimpered to herself but then she saw Quintella appear in front of her. "You don't need no got damn therapy you said it yourself you're fine!" Quintella told her and then, Drew saw his wife take a step back while her head was slightly turned to the side and then she looked at him.

"K-Karen?" Drew called to her not knowing what just happened. "Do you really think I need therapy?" Quintella said to Drew as Karen's whole entire body language changed from nervous to scared to that boss type energy that would scare people sometimes.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you, Drew!" Quintella yelled at him as she was trying to sound like Karen but more of her personality was taking over while, Alice was just watching the show enjoying it from a distance.

"Karen. It's like you said, I'm just trying to help you, you even agreed to going the last time." Drew told his wife's alter in a comforting way even though that wasn't his wife but he didn't know that.

"I DON'T NEED ANY FUCKING HELP!" Quintella hollered at him while she wagged his finger in his face and Drew was slightly surprised by this until he realized that it had to be one of her alters because Karen never really cussed and even when she did get mad she didn't cuss.

"Now, I don't which alter you are but bring me my wife back." Drew lightly but firmly told her.

"Nope she's too busy crying somewhere." Quintella said folding her arms up.

"Karen!" Drew said taking Quintella by the arms looking directly into her eyes.

"Karen, sweetheart can you still hear me?!" Drew asked her not realizing that it didn't work like that and Quintella arched an eyebrow smirking at him while she played with her nails as he lightly shook her. "KAREN, SWEETIE!" Drew said again trying to get his wife back.

And, Quintella just laughed at him. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Whewwww youuu men are dumbbb!" Quintella said. "Let me not say anything else because she's not coming back until whenever so, you're stuck with me until I FEEL LIKE IT or do you want Alice to come out and play with you?" Quintella said being a little bit seductive..."Or do you want me to play with you cause I-I haven't had you yet like Karen have." Quintella said pushing that man down on the bed and Drew rolled over jumping off of it as he was now on the other side of the bed.

"I know a big, strong ole', fioneee ass man not afraid of someone like little ole' me." Quintella told him chuckling as if she was innocent. And Drew just shook his head. "I'm not afraid of you we're trying to have a serious conversation and you wanna play games!" Drew said getting mad at Quintella as Drew started to walk back around their bed to stand in front of her to show her that he wasn't afraid of her. "Ooooh there goes my strong big boy." Quin Quin said trying to flirt with him as she had her finger playfully pointing on his chest while she continued to taunt him.

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