Alice in Detroit

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Someone comes out to play.

TW: Bleeding and near- car accident.

Once, Drew walked out of the room, Alice started laughing as she threw, Karen back on the bed as if she had plopped down on it.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Alice said to herself but loud enough to where someone else can hear her.

"They won't even know that it's me. They barely know me anyways." Alice chuckled while she shrugged, Karen's shoulders. " I can't wait to start what should I do? What should I do?!" Alice excitedly said as she clapped her hands together plotting about how she was gonna have her day while Karen was elsewhere. "Should I start with the kids?" Alice thought to herself. "Ahh. Noooo. The husband!" She evilly smiled knowing that Drew was gonna be hella confused about why Karen was acting that way.

So, Alice looked at the clock seeing that they had been home for over an hour now and she knew, Drew had to have cooled off from the church being stressful today. But Alice had now wanted to go out she wanted to explore, Detroit again. She just loved the city as much as Karen did if not she loved it even more. She knew all that she had to do to get Drew too go with her or to give her his card was to whine. So, she was gonna do exactly that.

Going downstairs she saw that Drew was reading the bible as he was preparing to work on next Sunday's sermon.

"Honeyyy." Alice said in Karen's voice that was a bit more high pitched then usual and Drew looked up at his wife who was hovering over him while he was sitting down at his study working on his next sermon.

"Um. Yes dear?" Drew asked her fixing his eye glasses to stop what he was doing. "Can we go out?" Alice asked him as she got on top of his desk sitting on it with her hands clasped together in between her thighs. And Drew looked at his wife as if she had just forgotten that they had just came back home from a stressful day and said that they were going to relax and unwind at home and then he was going to work on his sermon while Karen was supposed to be sleeping the stress off which was why he had went upstairs to go check on her in the first place.

But when she was up reading out loud that confused him. But he thought maybe she had changed her mind.

But honey I have this work to do and we agreed that we would wait until the work is done so we can have more free time later and you were supposed to be getting some rest. Drew reminded her and Alice gulped. That was the plan. Drew said told her.

But Alice rolled her eyes and Drew didn't know why his wife was catching an attitude when normally she would never do such a thing. She understood that ministry was important and that she knew she had to split her time with him. But today it was just something that was telling him that something was off.

But things change and I want to go out! Alice whined as if she was a child. And Drew didn't know what was going on with his wife. Well Karen I'm busy you know that but we could- Drew paused before he could even finish because Alice had interrupted him.

"NO JOHN DREW SHEARD, I WANNA GO OUT NOW!" Alice started yelling at him in his government name as she had jumped off of his desk after sitting on it as she was now slamming her hands on his desk.

"Woman stop it!" Drew said as he backed up from his desk looking at his wife yell and scream at him. "I WANNA GO OUT NOW!" She hollered at him gritting her teeth as she banged even harder on his desk with her hands flat down on it and she banged harder and harder and harder until, Drew had to literally force her to stop banging on his desk since she was bleeding from the palm of her hands after scratching them but that didn't seem to phrase her at all and Drew needed to know what had gotten into his wife.

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