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Notes: Karen processes the news that breaks her heart.

"Karen." Drew said as he tried to comfort his wife who he knew was hurting and he tried to place a gentle hand over hers but Karen just snatched it back from him. "Baby I'm sorry. But it had to be this way it was for the best but it's just for now you gotta believe me." Drew said as he was nearly begging her to believe him that it was for the best and was only temporary.

But Karen just kept on crying with a pain in her heart that couldn't be healed or so it seemed to her that was the case.

She was hoping and praying that Andrew would be able to come home with her when she would leave the hospital much like the last Andrew did but her world was just turned upside down and Karen couldn't handle anymore news as of this moment.

"Get out." Karen finally said but Drew didn't quite hear what she said although he knew he had said something.

"Baby what did you say?" Drew asked her as he got even more closer to her than what he already was.

"Don't." Karen said scooting away from him not wanting to be next to him because it was as if he had put a knife in her heart.

"Get out. I said get out!" She said clearer but with more strength even though she was still crying and even on the verge of hyperventilating.

"What?! Karen I'm not leaving you when you need me right now!" Drew told her standing his ground because he knew that Karen wouldn't mean what she would probably say to him out of anger. So, he took Dr.Womack's advice and didn't let anything to personally get too him.

Because he knew it would be like his wife would be grieving again.

"GET OUTTTT!" Karen finally screamed at him with her whole chest and it reached the tip top of her toes to the crown of her head. Her whole entire body felt that scream and Drew was sure everyone else heard it too including Dr.Womack herself who weren't too far away from the door.

"Karen. I'm not leaving you." Drew said as he was getting emotional about his wife and how he had to basically give his son up to the system for now.

But at least a family member was going to take care of him. But that didn't make anything better for Karen since she had grown a bond with him and was now super attached to their son.

"GET OUTTTTT!!!!" Karen screamed again through her gritted teeth and Drew heard nothing but venom, hurt, anger, pain, and sadness in her voice wrapped up in one.

But Drew didn't let that phrase him as he got in the hospital bed with his wife scooting over even though she was being really stubborn to let him in. And when he got in he held his crying and hurting wife even though she kept pushing him away because she felt as if he was the cause of her pain.

"Is he gone?" Karen cried again as she sobbed at the same and since she could barely talk Drew had to decipher what she said. "He's being taken care of right now at his new home." Drew said not knowing how to say that part but that last part only made Karen scream and cry even louder beating him in the chest pulling out of his cuddle that he tried to make her go into.

"I HATE YOU!" Karen cried while she tried to physically push Drew away from her.

"GAWD I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT!" Karen hollered at him while she started crying even more not wanting to be near him.

But Drew just continued on pulling his wife into him while she cried, screamed, and beat him on his chest.

"HE WAS MY SONNN!" Karen cried trying to break free of Drew's hold on her. But he wasn't letting up as he started crying too a little bit.

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