Hold Your Seed

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: While the siblings talk about what happened during her therapy session after Drew brings Alice back home, Karen comes back as she's exhausted.

Sidenote: How many of you were confused by Alice last chapter by her behavior and the hug and kiss she gave to Dorinda? 😭💀

TW: Mentions of blood and this is a somewhat very emotional chapter.

When Alice had went on the couch to go too sleep after crying herself to sleep the family all stood in the kitchen area around the island shocked and confused at this new change that they were seeing in Alice. They didn't expect for Alice to do such a thing if anything they thought she was going to throw a hissy fit if she had seen Dorinda holding her stuffed animal that she got from Dr.Womack because the last time, Dorinda was just holding it for her it was a whole blow out. Alice nearly lost her mind over the stuff animal because Dorinda was holding it for her and then, Dorinda quickly had to defend herself about why she was holding as it was really just on the floor and she was picking it up but then she did start to look at the stuff animal and realized that it had to have reminded, Karen of Andrew's stuff animal that he had when he was here with them. But it got messed up and drenched with blood when they had killed her nephew, Andrew.

And that was like the next hardest thing that Karen ever had to do was to throw it away because one it reminded her too much of him even though she so, badly wanted to keep it. Two they couldn't save the stuff animal and three that was Andrew's favorite stuff animal of what he always used to hold onto when going out, playing with and when sleeping at night. The stuff animal that Andrew had gave him comfort and so, for Karen to have to throw the original stuff animal away absolutely broke her heart because it also, smelled like her son.

They had a time trying to get Karen to let go of the stuff animal when it was time to clean up the nursery and that was the first time they had met, Alice.

Alice came during the robbery the moment right before they had killed her son.

So, when they wanted to get rid of the stuff animal so, Karen could possibly get him a new one in honor of her son, Alice came out and dropped to her knees hollering at the top of her lungs and had burst out in tears while Denise and Dorinda had tried to get it from her.


"NOOO!" Alice hollered at them with a broken and hurt voice. "Karen we have to get rid of it, it's not safe to keep!" Dorinda said while Denise was trying to pry the stuff animal out of Karen's hand's. "LET ME KEEP IT!" Alice cried while yelling at them and Jacky was having to hold, Karen back by her waist so, she wouldn't take off and start fighting her sisters over the stuffed animal.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTANDDD!" Alice cried trying desperately to hold onto it while it was being pried out of it by Denise. "Dorinda go get Drew!" Jacky said because she had felt her baby sister slipping from the palm of her hands and she couldn't hold onto Karen any longer and this was when they didn't realize that Karen had alters so, they didn't know that it wasn't Karen.

Although they did know that she was going to feel strongly about having to get rid of some of her son's items they just didn't think that she would've reacted in that manner.

"Honey?" Drew said coming up the steps and into the room only to see Karen having a balled up fist ready to knock, Denise clean out over her son's stuffed animal.

Now, that Alice had gone from upset to mad they had bigger problems on their hands.

"Karen put your fists down!" Drew yelled at her coming near his wife but losing their grip on Karen, Alice missed and slid back down to the floor making her lose her balance. But this time it was like they had to start from square one again with taking it from her since this stuffed animal was very close to her chest and Drew had to come talk too her especially when he saw how much pain she was in with her face looking slightly slanted towards the ground away from her siblings as she held on tight to Andrew's stuffed animal.

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