Self-Love and Support

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Notes: Today's the day that Karen and everyone else gets to see her new appearance as she's really nervous about it not knowing how she's gonna take it her ownself.

Sidenote: This is a pretty long chapter and all of y'all might be mad at Dorinda. I apologize for anyone's blood pressure that was raised during the reading of this chapter. 😭

It was a few days later and Karen was preparing to go home from the hospital. Today was the day that the family would get to see her face after being a burn victim.

She had to admit to herself that she too was afraid of this new change and was worried that people was going to stop being nice to her since she knew that appearance meant everything in the entertainment industry.

And she also knew that she was already poorly talked about before this even happened. But now she knew that it was gonna be worse than before and she wasn't sure about how she was handle that or if she was even gonna deal with that at all?

She just knew that she felt that she was at her lowest point and she didn't even see her face yet. All she knew was that it was painful for her to touch her face after the man had slammed her into the fire and there wasn't anything in that house to where she could've seen her reflection.

So, she would be seeing her face today as well too. She just hoped that she could handle it.

After she had woken up and thought about all that had happened having some time for herself she still wasn't ready for the doctors to come in or for her family to even come in support her. But because she was so anxious all she wanted to do now was to get it over with to rip the bandaid off.

So, she thought she might as well just get it over with now.

It was now 10:30am and her family was now in her room with Karen still laying down in the hospital bed not moving because her body was aching again because of the burns to which a few of them have turned into painful sores.

"Hiii mommy." Kierra said walking into the room being the first one to greet her mother and then the rest of the family started coming into the room behind her making their way in and getting their seats.

"Hey baby." Karen said in her raspy voice but even though she was awake her family could still tell that she was still tired from all the stress that she's been under.

So, the family just started to talk too Karen as she normally would asking her how she was doing and Karen decided against it to not tell them about how she was really feeling because she didn't know how they were gonna take it.

So, here she was just feeling bad about herself.

But the only person who wasn't talking to her was Dorinda who was sitting across from everyone on the other side of the room with a sleeping Aidden in her arm's. Karen didn't even see Dorinda come in from what she could see with her face being bandaged up and with some of the chords attached to her body from the IV machine. Karen thought that Dorinda had just stayed home today which wouldn't have surprised her if she did.

But what surprised her was when she heard her baby's voice as he was just waking up.

"Is that my baby?!" Karen asked them all excitedly not being able to look all the way over without having to turn all the way around.

"Dorinda. Do you have him?!" Karen asked her older sister and Dorinda rolled her eyes. But before Dorinda could say anything back to her Aidden happily cooed upon hearing his mothers voice ready to jump out of her arms.

"Ughh of course I do Karen why wouldn't I?!" Dorinda asked a bit smartly and with a dry tone and everyone wanted to know what was up with Dorinda's stank attitude lately? But they could care less about Dorinda right now they had bigger things to worry about her than her stank attitude towards her baby sister.

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