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Notes: Drew and Karen starts preparing for their court hearing against Dorinda so, Karen can maintain custody of her son so, Dorinda wont' be able to get it.

TRIGGER WARNING: It gets very emotional towards the half of the chapter and towards the end. So, I would advise you to prepare yourselves for this chapter and it's also a very long one.

It was a few weeks later and Karen and Drew had continued on with preparing for their court hearing with Dorinda. Karen couldn't believe that she really had to go through with this because her sister had turned on her. Karen had prayed and hoped that Dorinda would turn around before, Karen got her surgery but Karen thought that the answer she had received from the Lord was a no. Karen didn't know if the Lord was telling her let go of Dorinda because she just wasn't trying to hear her out or anything or settle this outside of court.

"I can't believe that my sister is trying to take me to court for my own son." Karen said.

"I was so stupid to believe that she wouldn't do this to me." Karen said getting frustrated with everything again. But Drew had calmed his wife down. "Honey I promise you it's all gonna be okay, Dorinda don't know what's coming to her." Drew told her and not even Karen knew what was going on when, Drew said that because it sounded as if he had something else up his sleeve as well and he wasn't telling her about it or didn't know much about it so, he would rather just keep it to himself. But whatever it was Karen was too preoccupied with other things to even be concerned about that because in a little while she had to go too therapy to find out what other options were there so she can get the surgery done.

Even though at first, Drew didn't want her doing it he settled on the fact that he wanted her to have the best so he caved in and let Karen move on with the discussion of surgery in her therapy sessions with Dr.Womack. But today she wasn't going to the clinic she was going to the hospital to meet both, Dr.Womack and Dr.Brown to go over what needed to be done.

At the hospital:

Once they made it their both, Dr.Womack and Dr.Brown had greeted Karen as they had brought her back into a patients room after she was seen by a nurse just to get an update on how her skin was going so, they could pick the best surgery for her since she had options to choose from and her medical records would greatly help with the picking.

And starting off the conversation was Dr.Brown.

"Now today I would like to go over more of the options that you have for the surgery." Dr.Brown said as he took out some more papers out of his vanilla folder that he was holding in his hand and he gave Drew and Karen a hand out of what he and Dr.Womack was already looking at.

"Now there are two main categories of acute and reconstruction surgeries for burn victims." He said going on with the conversation. "Now the acute burns happens immediately after the injuries which is what you do have seeing how your skin has progressed throughout this time and when we had to immediately rush you into an operating room with a plastic surgeon to try too get some of the skin off of you." Dr.Brown told her as he was showing her on her body where the acute burns were of how they had did the surgery with the plastic surgeon leading it as he was in the room with them going over what was needed to be done and he added on to what he had to do after, Dr.Brown had said his first part.

"But since Karen's skin have healed the way it did and with the complications that she's had over the past few months because of it she can also get reconstructive surgery done. So, that wouldn't necessarily be a problem for her. Now it would've been if it was just the acute burns because sometimes we just have our patients get it done at an outpatient clinic if it's not too complicated." He said. "But since Karen's was more severe and is actually all over her body with a few of the acute burns she can continue on with seeing which procedure would be right for her and I'm just here to fulfill whatever needs to be done after you all decide on it." Her reconstructive burn surgeon said and Karen just nodded her head while Drew looked like he was in distress.

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