The Inner work

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Notes: Karen starts to work on her self-confidence and self-esteem while focusing on her inner strengths to help her with low self-esteem that she's been having.

"So, Karen how have you been doing after coming home?" Dr.Womack asked her since Karen had been home for a few weeks and Karen couldn't even make eye contact with anyone anymore now as she looked at her hands in her lap. They were getting back to where she could after she had accepted what happened to her during the robbery but now it was like the eye contact progress was completely gone.

So, Karen couldn't look at anyone without feeling inferior now or she would start crying if she accidentally did. So, Karen just thought it was best if she didn't look at anyone after, Dorinda told her that Karen "shouldn't look anyone in the eyes anymore because she'll just scare them away."

And when, Drew found out what happened he was pissed off and threatened Gregg that he better watch his wife before something happens to her. Drew wasn't playing that day and he just about called, Jacky to come get her to handle Dorinda for him because Dorinda was on his last nerve about how she was treating Karen.

It wasn't like Dorinda even called to talk too Karen anymore. All she did was emotionally beat her down by making Karen feel worse about herself than what she already felt.

Especially when she would bring Aidden over to see Karen for her days and that's the only time she would talk to her. Although Dorinda's talking consisted of snarky and rude comments about Karen's appearance.

So, now here they was in therapy trying to help Karen.

But then when she didn't answer Dr.Womack looked over to Drew too help her out.

"Not too good." He said. "Karen have been struggling every since she's gotten back home from the hospital it's been a bigger change than before and everyone is trying to adapt." Drew said rubbing his arm kinda of nervously.

"Mmhm." She said. "Well it's common to struggle more in the beginning when you're first coming home. But what are some of the things that's Karen been struggling with?" Dr.Womack asked him seeing that Karen could barely talk as she was scared to with having her finger in her mouth biting her nail. She noticed Karen would do that instead of putting her thumb in her mouth which would've triggered, Alice to come out so, she had been trying to work on that.

"Well..." Drew said. "Karen barely talks since coming out of the hospital." Drew said. "It's like I have to pull tooth and nail to get her too talk. It's very difficult." He said. "But I wouldn't say that she's mute she's just afraid I guess." He said not really knowing because Karen won't talk to him about that. "Um she won't let me see her changing anymore which I think is understandable but I wouldn't mind because she's still my wife. And yeah it'll take some getting used too but it's not like I'm a be grossed out by it like other people would." Drew told Dr.Womack while he turned his head to talk too Karen at the same time.

"Excuse my French but a pussy is still a pussy and I miss my wife's." Drew said shrugging his shoulders not really caring about what he said and Dr.Womack almost choked on her water while Karen's eyes widened. "It's not like I've seen her naked before." He continued on.

"I had to make her change in front of me when she was pregnant with Ki and J.Drew. Aidden probably would've been the same way if I had known earlier that she was pregnant with him in the beginning." Drew said and Dr.Womack could tell that Drew probably wouldn't care about the burns that was on Karen's body and because she was her psychiatrist she had seen them from when they had to take pictures to put in her medical records so, they could figure out what type of treatment her burns needed.

"And, Dorinda's been horrible to her so we're trying to figure something out." Drew said wanting to talk to Dr.Womack by himself after the therapy session was over and Dr.Womack caught that knowing that it was serious because Drew almost never initiated a one-on-one session with her unless it was absolutely important. So, this was his second time doing this on behalf of his wife.

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