Coming Along

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Notes: Karen continues to work on her mental health.

Over the last couple of months Karen had been staying in the mental asylum only being allowed to go home every 2 days (past her 3 month stay) which her going home started on the weekends starting on Friday's so, she wouldn't feel like she's trapped. So, Friday and Saturday was counted as her weekends while on Sunday mornings she had to go back and it wasn't every weekend. It was every other weekend she was allowed to go home and this time, Dr.Womack was really strict on Karen and Drew to refrain from any sexual activity which they have been following. So, if Drew got horny he would just have to use his hands and his imagination to help keep him over until, Dr.Womack allowed him to be with his wife again in that manner because they didn't want this situation repeating itself again.

While Karen would be home she would still be under supervision other than just having Drew to watch her because he still went to work every day and preached on Sunday's.

But since today was a Friday Karen came home after lunch time waiting for Dorinda to bring Aidden over.

"What's taking her so long?" Karen questioned her case manager getting anxious and thinking that Dorinda was purposefully taking her own slow time so, Karen wouldn't get her full hours with him. But Karen shook her head no trying not to think such negative thoughts about her older sister. She knew that Dorinda would never go that route to purposefully hurt her in that way.

Then five minutes later the door bell rung and Karen nearly, ran to answer it being excited to see her baby since she over came her fear of holding him thinking that she or her altered was gonna hurt him.

When, Karen answered the door Dorinda came right on in with Aidden apologizing for her lateness.

"Wheww sorry I'm late traffic is what kept me behind schedule." Dorinda said as she came all the way into Karen's house talking to Karen's case manager who was there supervising her.

"Can I see him?!" Karen quickly asked her with her arms out again after locking the door seeing that Dorinda barely acknowledged her sister who was standing behind the door a little bit after opening it up for her.

But then, Dorinda looked at Karen for a moment trying not to show any great concerns on her face but then remembering that her supervisor was there. Then, once Dorinda had looked at Karen's supervisor the supervisor had nodded her head signaling to her that it was okay for Dorinda to give her Aidden.

"Dorinda?" Karen hesitantly said while she was still waiting for her sister to hand over her son to her.

"Of course you can I would never keep Aidden from you." Dorinda told her and Doe had carefully placed, Aidden into his mothers arms and Karen smiled the brightest smile she's ever had in months and Dorinda saw how happy her sister was with her baby boy.

Then, Karen started crying happy tears as she got emotional seeing her son because she didn't get to see him that often since she was staying at the mental asylum getting help for her condition.

"Karen we go through this all the time." Dorinda told her baby sister seeing Karen cry again for the 2nd time this month because every time Karen sees him during the months she just cries.

"I'm sorry. You know I don't get to see him all the time." Karen cried wiping her tears away. While Aidden was just as excited to see his mama grinning hard and blowing spit bubbles while reaching for her as if he wasn't in her arms.

"Mama's happy to see you too!" Karen smiled kissing her baby on his chubby cheeks.

Then, Karen went to his play pin sitting him down to play with her son closing the gate behind her in the living room that went to his play pin and Dorinda folded her arms shaking her head.

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