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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen and Drew decides to spend the day inside for their son's birthday not knowing what lies ahead of them.

"What were you and Karen planning on doing today?" Twinkie asked, Drew over the phone seeing that it was now 12pm and her baby sister and brother-in-law ain't had no idea about the surprise party. "Well, nothing much we were just deciding to stay in today." Drew said as he looked back at Karen who was just waking up from her nap after they had a late breakfast that the kids had made for them since they knew what day it was to them.

"Mmhm. Maybe y'all should go out for today you know?" Twinkie said trying to get them to leave the house. "Mm I don't know me and Karen was just planning on staying in and relaxing today." Drew said and Karen whispered to him in her raspy voice, "Who's that?" Karen asked him and so, Drew turned his neck a bit behind his shoulder to look at his wife whispering to her, "Twinkie."

And, Karen immediately wanted to snatch the phone away from him to hang up the phone on her because she had other plans that she wanted to do with her husband something that rhymed with "hugging."

But Drew wouldn't give her the phone " I mean that does sound like a nice idea." Drew said to her and Karen made a face pouting her lips almost as if she started whining. "Drewwww." Karen whined loudly over the phone not caring if her sister had heard her. "Tell, Karen to get ready y'all are going out today and we want to treat y'all to a nice dinner. So, make sure she gets ready." Twinkie told him. "Alright thanks, Twinkie." Drew said agreeing too it and then he had hung up the phone clearly annoying Karen.

"It was just supposed to be us today!" Karen whined taking the covers off of her showing off her curves in her loose-fitting silky sexy short night gown. "We can still do that afterwards but I think it would be good for us to get out the house today." Drew told her as he softly, caressed his wife's cheek. " I just wanted to spend time with you and him today." Karen said as she sat down on the bed after she had gotten done sitting on her knees in front of him.

"You mean you wanted to go to the grave site and talk to him?" Drew asked her knowing that's exactly what she wanted to do and Karen just shrugged her shoulders not being able to say it as a lone tear trailed down her face. "Maybe." She whispered to him and so, Drew just took Karen into his warm embrace. "We can still do that before going out tonight." Drew said with his arms gently wrapped around her waist.

"I mean I just wanted to stay home and look in the photo album again and stay in the nursery." Karen said with her head down and Drew felt bad for his wife. Because not only did they clean out the nursery a while ago remembering from when they had first done it she still just wanted to sit in that now empty room just remembering how it looked. They left the paint on the walls blue even though they had to freshen up because of their blood stains that was splattered on the walls. But Karen was going to be damned if they stripped everything away from her in that nursery and so, the exact color of blue had to stay. Which they luckily found so, Karen wouldn't loose her mind at how different the nursery was going to be after her son's death.

She still called it the nursery even though it was now reverted back into a regular empty room which they did keep close because sometimes it was just too painful for them to walk by it. Other times, Karen just needed to stay in it just so she can get herself together through another day. So, they respected her wishes and let the color stay blue not wanting to change every single thing about it.

"Well, come on let's go get ready." Drew said as he held, Karen in his arms kissing her on the cheek to release her.

After they took their time getting ready they were ready for today of course, Twinkie had told, Drew to make sure that they were dressed in something nice yet causal and comfortable.

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