I'm not pleased

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew tells Dr.Womack about him and Karen's current sexual activities and Dr.Womack becomes extremely worried.

One week later.

"Sooooo." Drew started to say looking nervously at Dr.Womack and Dr.Womack had a straight face on and they couldn't tell whether she was mad or worried about them or a mixture of both.

"There might be a chance that Karen is pregnant." Drew slowly told her twindling his thumbs and Dr.Womack did not look amused as she ran her hands through her hair frustratingly. The couple looked at a very frustrated, Dr.Womack and they knew that she was not amused by this at all.

"Did you two not use protection?" Dr.Womack asked them wanting to hear them say it again. "Uh, no. But she was still taking her birth control pills." Drew said speaking for his wife while Karen just sat there with a smirk on her face. " I made sure that she was always do." He told her.

"You two weren't supposed to have any relations knowing that you won't even pull out half the time." Dr.Womack told him and Drew just looked away shielding his face with his hand as if he was embarrassed because sometimes he just couldn't help but to release himself inside of his wife and then when he would try to pull out Karen would just lock him in even more and that just turned him on knowing how freaky his wife could get and if she said, to cum inside her then all bets were off and he was doing as told.

"And as you for you, you think this is funny?" Dr.Womack asked Karen because the look on her face said she ain't care once a damn that they didn't listen.

"You don't have control over my sex life." Karen said making a face while she rolled her eyes.

"This isn't about controlling you this was to protect you." Dr.Womack told her. "Protect me from what?!" Karen hollered at her. "From more heart break and your alters." She simply told, Karen. "Well my alters haven't bothered anybody in weeks." Karen told her ignoring the heart break. "Except for you." Dr.Womack said pointing at Karen and Karen scrunched up her face rolling her eyes again.

"Quin haven't been out in weeks and Alice actually listens now unlike Quintella...sometimes. But it's not as bad as it used to be." Karen said. "And I might be pregnant he didn't say that I was he was just letting you know that I might have another little boy on the way." Karen said slightly rubbing her tummy and putting more emphasis on boy and that concerned, Dr.Womack of when she said, "little boy" instead of girl. And Karen didn't realize that she said that.

"That's exactly why I told you what I told you." Dr.Womack said looking back at Drew who was now looking at her again. "Do you see how she's bent on having another son?" Dr.Womack said speaking in their language since, Karen still don't seem to understand that they can't just make another baby boy like that it just doesn't happen that way and so, Dr.Womack was lecturing Drew on being careful about having sex with his wife.

"Now somethings I don't like saying in front of Karen because it'll trigger her alters to come out but I have to say it in front of her because it's like we keep going around in circles with the same conversation. Karen you cannot force yourself to have another son it just doesn't work that way we know it doesn't work that way, Drew knows it doesn't works that way, your siblings knows it doesn't work that way, everybody knows that." Dr.Womack told her giving her some tough love.

"Karen you are not mentally ready to have another child yet even if it is a girl you're not ready to have her because you just might neglect them because of how highly you're speaking about having a boy. Because what happens if you are pregnant and it's a girl? Hm. You're either gonna leave it or you're gonna let your alters take care of it. Because believe it or not that's what's going to happen." She told her. " You are going to mentally check out if it's a girl because you're not healed yet to have another child and you keep wanting a boy. And even if it is a boy, yes you'll give it all the love, care and attention and protection in the world but you will end up suffocating the child by being overprotective of him and you will hinder their growth because of what happened to Andrew." Dr.Womack told her giving her a mouth full.

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