Trouble in the air?!

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Notes: Karen has her baby and learns some more surprising news about Dorinda.

Sidenote: It's a time jump this chapter.

9 months later:

"DREWWWW!" Karen yelled coming from out of their bathroom holding her stomach and slightly bending over as if she's in pain and Drew had just came out of Aidden's bedroom after trying to put him to sleep but their toddler was something else when it came to his bedtime.

"What is it sweetie?" Drew asked her running back into the room after hearing his wife be in pain and then when he saw her he saw how she was positioned and breathing looking at the water that was on the floor. "Oh my gawd." He gasped running over to her too help her move out of the bathroom since she was now having trouble walking after her water just broke and the fact that her contractions were hitting her every five minutes.

"AHHHH!" Karen screamed holding on tightly to wall and it almost seemed as if she needed to just lay down on the floor but she knew she couldn't do that because then the both of them would have a hard time trying to get her up off the floor and then that wouldn't be good because it felt as if this baby was trying to come fast.

"Oh, goodness. Call Jacky." Karen panted as her chest was heaving up and down. "Karen I gotta get you to that hospital neowww!" Drew said seeing his wife be in so much pain as she stood over their bed bending over using both hands to help support her back because the pain was unbearable. "Okay. Okay just let me go get your things wrap you up in a coat and we can go!" Drew said running around in their room and then knocking on their daughter's door to let Kierra know what was happening and telling her and J.Drew to stay there to watch over Aidden while they went to the hospital. Then, Ki immediately agreed and prayed over her parents because once Drew realized that their was an emergency he would be off speeding like a mad man to get there.

1 Hour Later:

It was an hour later and Karen and Drew was now at the hospital with Karen being in a delivery room sweating up a storm. "This is worse than the pain for Aidden's." Karen said gritting her teeth with her being in position to give birth. "I wonder if I would've hid this pregnancy would it had been better?" Karen asked herself but out loud and everyone hollered out, "NO!" At her and Karen just playfully rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth.

"Kare now you know if that were to happened it would've been a whole lot worse than before." Denise said folding her arms. "I was just joking." Karen giggled trying to make herself feel better. But her family didn't find that to be so amusing. Later on during the night, Karen was administered medicine to help with the labor pains that she was having and the baby still wasn't ready to come out yet and Karen was sweating bullets at this point.

"Is something wrong?" Karen asked as she started to get even more worried as the time went by "I was supposed to be pushing by now." Karen said but all she was feeling was pain and the baby still wasn't coming out yet so, Jacky called to get a doctor in the room and so, when they spoke to her it seemed as if her baby was just delaying the process.

"Oooh no this baby gotta come out now!" Karen said as she sat slowly back up in the hospital bed in pain with sweat dripping from her forehead and Drew was just wiping it off for her.

"I need another epidural." Karen whined.

"Ughhhh I can't even blame Drew for knocking me up." Karen cried as she was gritting her teeth because they still didn't know if he was daddy or not.

"Yes you can since I'm here." He said volunteering letting his wife hold his hand while Karen grunted with pain because of the burning sensation that she was feeling in between her legs.

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