Questions P2.

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Notes: Karen and Drew talks more about Karen's decision to have surgery. And there's also a surprise halfway during this chapter. 🌚

It was a few weeks after the truth was revealed about Dorinda and Karen had yet to press any charges on her. At this point she was too hurt to do anything about the situation and Drew he was wanting to do it immediately but he didn't want to do anything without his wife concerning matters about her sister who she was trying to cut ties with. So, now here they were at Karen's doctors appointment taking her mind off of the court case wondering if she was going to get the surgery done.

"Karen are you really sure you wanna get this surgery done?" Drew asked his wife as soon as they made it into their house. "Drew..." Karen said before pausing. "Yes this is something that I wanna do." Karen told him looking at her husband. "But what if I don't want you to do it?" Drew told her and Karen arched her eyebrow placing a hand on her hip. "Drew I have stood by you in every decision that you have done whether I liked it or not. You can let me have this." Karen told him pulling out the receipts of how submissive she was too him and Drew automatically started frowning because he knew he was losing this battle.

"But babyyy I don't wanna see you go under the knife again." Drew told her as he pulled her closer to him and now they were standing face-to-face right in front of each other.

"But you don't have to see me go through that again because you're gonna be in the lobby during the surgery." Karen told him with a smirk on her face like that was funny.

"That's not funny honey." Drew said shaking his head towards her.

"I'm sorryyy." Karen said laughing at his pain.

"But no really, Drew I want this surgery. It's not like it's a life-threatening one when they had to get the bullets taken out of me because it could've killed me and even when they patched up my stab wound that wasn't worse than recovering from getting the bullets taken out of me." Karen told him. "I know but I almost lost you on that operating table." Drew said since the bullet had hit an artery that was close enough to kill her if the doctors didn't take it out carefully and even when they did she still had lost a lot of blood from it which is why she had died on the table but they had brought her back with the defibrillator after the family had done some hard praying.

"I just don't wanna lose my wife again regardless if the surgery seems harmless or not." Drew told her. "Ughhh Drewww." Karen whined stomping her feet and pouting her lips.

"Do you really want people to degrade me for the rest of my life if I can do something about to get it done?" Karen questioned him. "No and baby everyone isn't the same." Drew told her.

"That's easy for you to say Drew because you're not the one with the visible scars and burns all over your face or have wounds on your body that look like they just got there yesterday even though it's healed." Karen told him. "I hate looking at myself sometimes." Karen told him getting ready to cry about it. "Baby come here don't cry." He said pulling her into a tight hug.

"It's okay." He told her and even though Karen had talked about her feelings of being inferior to others and not liking herself as she once did even if it was only a little bit she still felt horrible having to see herself. And she thought to herself that she would've gotten used to this new version of her but she didn't and people didn't make it any better as they still treated her like dirt and even her own sister, Dorinda.

Karen just couldn't understand why Dorinda was being so evil towards her as Mama Sheard had once put it and Karen had tried defending her older sister to Mama Sheard and the rest of the family but they wouldn't let Karen do that to herself. They wouldn't let her continue on hurting herself when they knew that Dorinda was probably never going to change. Even, Jacky had to put a stop to Karen defending Dorinda because it sounded as if Karen didn't wanna see the worst in her sister, Doe when everyone else did.

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