Getting Help

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Notes: The family and Dr.Womack finally finds Karen and baby Aidden and bring them back home to safety two weeks later allowing for Karen to get some new treatment.

Once they finally located the state and the hotel room that Karen was in Dr.Womack had basically dismissed the police officers stating that she wasn't dangerous and that was the news reporters fault for saying as such because now everyone was on high alert.

Dr.Womack knew that after sometime that Quintella and Alice would usually give up after a while and let Karen take control again and she was hoping that it would happen in that situation. So, after she had talked everything over with the police officers they finally stepped down not wanting to get into any trouble with the state nor with Karen's family knowing that it was about to be a battle between two states if they were to mess this up and they wanted no parts of Detroit.

So, here Dr.Womack was going up to the hotel room door with security behind her from the mental aslyum just in case if Karen had refused to go or if her alters were still out taking control of this whole entire situation.

When Karen heard the knock on the door she thought it was just room service but since there wasn't a peep hole to look out of she asked who was it and when she didn't get an answer but another knock she knew something was up. But she decided to answer anyways only opening up the door with a few inches.

"Karen." Dr.Womack softly said and Karen gasped seeing her and Dr.Womack saw the frightened look on Karen's face and because Karen was afraid of what was gonna happen to her she slammed the room door back in her face blocking it with a chair so, they couldn't get in easily.

And if they wanted to get in easily they were gonna have to force their way in.

"Karen?!" Dr.Womack nicely hollered on the outside of the door.

"Karen let me in I just wanna talk to you." Dr.Womack told her because at first that's what she wanted to do as she was trying to get Karen to corporate with her.

"No you're lying to me!" Karen hollered at her from behind the door while shaking her head no.

"Karen. Okay. Look. I'll be honest with you." Dr.Womack said. "I am here to get Aidden and to get you some help okay. Are you hurt?" Dr.Womack asked her caring about her physical well being and Karen looked to check herself to make sure she didn't do any harm to herself that she probably didn't know about recently. And when she didn't see anything she said, "no" confidentially.

"Are you gonna take him away from me again?!" Karen asked her sliding down behind the barrier that she had placed in front of the door as she started crying to herself and once Dr.Womack started talking to her the guards from the mental asylum was backing her up listening to the head guard's orders but she had backed him off reminding them that she was in charge of all of them. So, they had to back up off the door.

Then, Dr.Womack heard how desperate Karen was and knew she was about to have a mental health crisis episode if she didn't already have one before they had got there. Which she did.

Dr.Womack just didn't know that yet.

"Karen it's only so he can be properly looked after while you're healing okay? We can work something if you promise to take better care of your alters okay?!" Dr.Womack asked her having to get down to her level and hopefully, Alice would agree to it as well as she needed at least one of the alters to be on board to make this whole process easier for all of them.

And Karen just continued to sob while sitting down behind the door with baby Aidden sleeping. He ain't even know what was going on. All he needed was some milk and a good belly rub and he would be knocked out after Karen took care of that diaper rash he had.

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