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Notes: The family realizes why karen had left as they try too explain to Kierra about what happened.

After, Karen left home it had been a week since she left and everyone was worried about her.

They knew now that they over reacted and was sorry about it. But the kids still didn't know what exactly had happened or why everyone had blown up in Karen's face like they did. "What y'all do to make my mama leave?" Ki asked them since, Drew had all the family there inside there house and the sisters, Leo, and Drew just looked at each other scratching their necks while some simply just looked away.

"We kinda over reacted about something but we had every reason to do so, initially." Dorinda said.

"Until things got out of hand." Denise added on.

"Like what?" Kierra asked looking at her aunties, uncle and then she had looked at her daddy. And they didn't know how to tell her nor J.Drew that Karen had a suicide attempt. So, they planned to tell them separately for safety reasons.

"Alright." Drew said looking around at his family members and then turning off the tv and she knew things were about to serious.

"Well we found out something's about your mother while she was gone." Drew started to say and then he looked back at his sister-in-laws for backup just in case Kierra lost her mind over her mama because he knew that she would and that was why he hadn't told her what she was really
in the hospital for.

"Well...It's because we found that she's been keeping something from us for a long time that could be very detrimental to her mental health." Drew said. "And it was." Dorinda added on nodding her head.

"Dorinda." Denise said lightly scolding her little sister. "What it was?!" Dorinda said. "Are we just gonna sit here and act like it wasn't?!" Dorinda rhetorically asked them. "Dorinda calm down we don't need you acting out again that's one of the main reasons why Karen left." Denise said.

"Karen ain't leave because of me she left because of Drew's dumbass!" Dorinda said getting on Drew again while rolling her neck and Drew just sighed. "I see you didn't learn anything from the last time which is why Karen is gone stop calling me out my name especially when my wife isn't here." Drew said. "And my wife isn't here because of everybody except for Kierra." Drew said.

"And her mental health." Jacky said. "Don't forget that played a big part in her leaving.

Jacky told him. "So, we aren't fully too blame. Like 99.99% to blame yes and I'll be the first one to say it but that other one percent are her alters." Jacky said shaking her head.

"Can y'all stop talking around in circles and just tell me what happened?" Kierra asked them while she sat down on the couch looking at her family.

Then, Drew bit his lip showing that he was a little nervous telling her what happened and then decided to just tell his daughter the truth. So, he sat down next to her folding his hands looking at her with a serious look on his face.

"Daddy. What happened?" Kierra asked seeing that it's his serious face on.

"Alright. Baby girl when I tell you this I need for you to promise me that you won't get mad or upset." He told her and Ki just stared at him.

"I can't promise you that daddy." Ki said shaking her head no.

And then, Drew let out a nervous breath looking down at the ground and then back into his daughters eyes.

"Okay. Well earlier last week your mother decided to throw a surprise for us." Drew said looking at her. "What kind of a surprise?" She asked him. "A baby shower that's what." Dorinda said cutting him off and Drew looked at Dorinda.

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