Do You Really Love Me? P1

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Notes: This is a continuation from the last chapter where a very unhappy, Jacky confronts Drew about what happened between him and Karen since, Karen was in tears.

After Karen was done crying her eyes out feeling heart broken over, Drew, Jacky and Twinkie helped her up the steps. Karen had felt like a part of her had died that night and she didn't know how she was going to heal. It felt like everything had came crashing down after tonight and her whole world was falling apart.

She didn't even think that therapy would work for what she felt. If anything she thought that this was it that she was gonna die of a broken heart caused by the one person who had promised to always love her no matter what happened.

Once Karen was in the guest bedroom at Jacky's house she fell to her knees and prayed while she still could while crying because it had hurt just that bad. She didn't even make any attempts to get into the bed just yet because of the emotional pain that she was feeling and it was manifesting into physical pain in her chest as she cried her eyes to God loudly while she was in the room by herself asking Him, "Why did it have to be her?" With her voice cracking and breaking in between not knowing when this pain and what felt like torture was going to end.

She didn't know if she had done something wrong or if God was punishing her for something that she did. But she knew that deep down inside that wasn't the case and at the end of every trial He always had something better in store for her. She just had to endure all of this heart ache first which she hated and cried out in pain some more as if she was choking on her own tears.

While that was happening Karen had let out a blood grueling scream along with her cries. "WHYYYYY?!" She cried while kneeling on the floor with her head planted into the made up bed with her sobbing and holding her chest being in physical pain.

And right outside the room door was both, Jacky and Twinkie decided that they was gonna let Karen have that time to herself while praying silently right behind the door with their hands holding together praying for their baby sister and their family. Because they knew she was suffering from all of this and she was coming to her breaking point. Karen was literally crying her eyes out and her sisters hated seeing her like that.

Because now, Karen really felt like she had nothing left to live for because she had built her whole entire life with Drew and now to her he was acting as if he didn't want her because of the fire that happened. But she knew that wasn't true. She knew she had something to live for but with her mental state it was hard trying to think positive thoughts when the outcome seemed to be a negative result. But not only that Karen felt as if she was now damaged goods because of what happened. And the only one who she knew she could always rely on was God so, that's why she knew she had to immediately pray before she felt like hurting herself again because she wasn't sure if she was going to come back from that.

So after she got done praying and crying she crawled into bed as she held herself into fetal position and cried herself to sleep that night feeling as if she had no one else but God and herself. It was too much for her to think that Jacky, Twinkie, Kierra, and Aidden also loved her because her mind was just all over the place.

Once, Jacky heard that Karen was fast asleep she decided to put her coat on as Glynn came down the stairs after he heard, Karen crying her little heart out while Angel had her ear to the door being nosy as ever texting Kierra about what was happening because Karen wasn't answering her cell phone.

Angel and Kierra:

"Girl I don't know what's about to happen. My daddy just went downstairs trying to stop my mama." Angel whispered to Kierra over the phone as she stuck her head out her room door peeking down stairs hearing her parents arguing. But it was more like Glynn was trying to stop Jacky from going to jail. "Girl I think my mama going to your house. I think Uncle Drew is in trouble." Angel whispered telling Kierra what else was going on over there.

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