Family Matters P3

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: The family tries to talk too Karen about what's been going on but her alters keeps interfering.

The next morning came and the siblings were back over at Karen's and Drew's house not knowing who they were gonna get today. "I sure do hope that Karen is back." Dorinda said as she sighed sitting on their couch. "Why would you say that?" Denise asked, Dorinda making a face. "You know I'm right she has alters we don't know how long they can stay there and we don't know which one we're gonna get but what I do know is that the both of those bitches are crazy and Karen needs to handle them because I don't wanna have to fight her to get my baby sister back." Dorinda said becoming emotional at the fact that Karen have to go through this.

"She's right." Twinkie said agreeing with Dorinda. "We don't know that much about her disorder even though we were told about it. And we don't know if those alters can stay for longer than a day." Twinkie told, Denise. "But we're about to find out today." Dorinda mumbled and everyone looked at her because now, Karen had arrived downstairs or so, they hoped it was her.

"Karen?" Dorinda asked and she looked up her head towards her bestie.

"How you feeling Karebear?" Dorinda asked her straight out and Karen just shrugged her shoulders which basically meant she didn't know her whole body just felt exhausted.

"We just wanted to talk too you about last night." Jacky said now that everyone was there except for the kids because they just wanted to talk too their mother alone with just the siblings and Drew being there so, sitting next to Karen on the couch was Jacky, Karen, and Leo. Twinkie was sitting in a loveseat by herself that was a few inches away from where Dorinda was sitting in a reclining chair and Denise was sitting on the opposite end of Leo while Drew stood behind his wife as he would constantly go back to his seat and then stand up next to her too support her.

And they heard her sigh poking out her bottom lip.

"It's okay nobody's mad at you." Twinkie said. "It didn't seem like it." She said in this little baby voice that scared them and they wondered why Karen was talking like that.

"We're sorry sis we were worried about you leaving out the house like that in the pouring rain." Jacky told her. "We didn't want you to get sick." Jacky said not wanting to mention to her if it was Karen that she nearly tried to kill, Drew, Twinkie and Denise. "Or lost." Dorinda thought to herself not sure if her alters had even knew their way back home and if not that really would've been a shit show something that she didn't want to think about because she didn't know how she would react if her baby sister went missing all because her alters put her in danger.

"But Karen how have you been feeling lately since y'all moved?" Jacky asked her scooting what she thought was Karen closer to her but they saw how, Karen continuously had her lip poked out while Jacky rubbed her back for comfort. "I don't know." She said but it came out in mumbles without really opening up her mouth.

And Jacky just looked down at her baby sister taking her in her arms comforting her while soothing her face. "It's gonna be okay. We just want you to know that you can talk too us anytime you need too okay?" Jacky told her and Alice just stared at her not answering her because she usually didn't answer to them if they thought they were talking to Karen which annoyed them to no end and she liked messing with them like that from time to time.

So, sometimes she would take on Karen's shy personality but she would make it disturbing turning it into a child-like way even though she was a full grown woman but Alice had her reasoning for doing that to Karen. Karen needed it after what she's been through it wasn't fair that-that happened to her and her child so, Alice was there trying to fill the void for Karen.

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