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Notes: Karen goes over to her sisters house to confront her about the bruise on Aidden.


"What is it?" Drew asked his wife quickly coming into the nursery but when Karen pulled him towards his crib. "What's wrong?" Drew asked as he went up to his son who kept trying to scratch his neck while whining and he was starting to kick because he was very uncomfortable. "But then, Drew watched him for a moment like Karen did and gently got his son to calm down while Karen held onto his little hand so, Drew could take a look at his neck to where the skin would hide it. " I know that heffa didn't." Drew said and then, Drew took out his phone and took pictures of their son's neck. Then, he also took a video of the bruise documenting what they had both saw. And once, Aidden was calmed down. But Drew noticed that his wife had gotten completely quiet having a certain look on her face. "Oh, no." Drew said knowing that was Alice coming out.

Because all of a sudden, Alice started pouting.

"She hurt my baby." Alice wept and then she started shaking a little bit and she folded her arms to try too calm herself down but that didn't work and the next thing Drew knew he saw Alice leaving out of the nursery.

"Alice where are you going?!" Drew questioned her after he had to get Aidden straight putting him in his crib to try too get him down for a nap.

"To that bitches house where else do you think I'm going?!" Alice pouted as she grabbed Karen's trench coat putting it on and tying it up on her while grabbing Karen's purse with the car keys in it. "Alice you cannot be serious right now you cannot go over there in this state!" Drew told her.

And that made Alice turn around to look at him.

"And why the HELL NOT?!" Alice hollered out at him. "Shhhh shhh. You're gonna wake the baby and I just put him down for a nap." Drew told her but all Alice did was suck her teeth.

"So, what that got to do with me going to beat Dorinda's ass huh?!" Alice sarcastically asked him with the both of her hands nervously being in Karen's trench coat pockets.

"We as in me and Karen just got Aidden back." Drew told her. "We cannot go over there and fight her no matter how badly you may want too." He told Alice. "Believe me I wanna go over there and fight her myself but I'm a man and I still would never put my hands on any woman even with situations like these. So, imagine how hard it must be for me to not be able to fight her." Drew told her trying to stop her from leaving.

"Well then that's fine that's all the more reason as to why I shoulddddd fight my sister. I'll fight for you. I'll fight for all 4 of us. I'll beat her ass down to the ground. And I'll make she knows what pain feels like." Alice said as she smiled at Drew and he knew there would be no talking sense into Alice because of how she called, Dorinda her sister and the fact that Karen was on a ten before she had went away and got too overwhelmed with finding out that Dorinda had hurt Aidden because of her.

So, that meant that Alice was about to be on a 20.
And if he was being honest with himself Alice was worse than Quintella when it came too fighting and not caring about shit. So, he was doing everything in his power to not let her leave out of the house. But when Alice finally made it to the door dodging pass, Drew and his words as she found ways to by-pass him after she had kneed him in the balls after he had gently grabbed her and tried to pull her closer towards him so, she wouldn't leave she happily walked out of the house skipping with a smile on her face.

But when Alice finally got to the car and opened up the car door she got on the passenger's car seat and shut the door waiting for Drew to drive her knowing goodness well she didn't know how to drive.

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