Andrew returns??

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Notes: Karen goes into labor and things starts to go left.

Karen had now reached her last month of pregnancy and she was anticipating the return of her son, Andrew. Drew had noticed how much happier his wife had gotten over the course of the last few weeks especially after they had started treating her better with her condition. But also at the same time, Drew was worried about his wife. She had been talking to their unborn son as if he was really, Andrew because she would be having some of the same conversations that she would have with Andrew when he was alive. And at times, Drew would catch her. But at other times he would let her slide and just observe her. But when he thought that the conversation was going to far with deeming him as Andrew that's when he would walk into the room and interrupt her conversation with their son.

Yes, Drew sometimes did talk to Karen's belly and he did pick out other names for their son. But Karen wasn't having any of that. She wasn't trying to hear what Drew had to say about "these new names" that he thought was good for him. And every time, Drew came around with a baby book for boy names or his laptop that had a list of boy names up she would just lightly push it away telling him to "get it away" from her. She was determined to have Andrew again and she wasn't about to let anyone stop her not even her own husband who had helped to make the baby.

But she also, remembered about how he didn't even want her to be pregnant even though it was for a good reason as Dr.Womack and her family tried to tell her. But she wasn't buying into any of that and so, she kept the pregnancy hidden for damn near 7 months until she was ready to tell them.

So, here Drew was trying his best not to let Karen replace Andrew. Because at this point he knew that she didn't realize what she was doing. She already had his baby clothes out from what was saved after the attack and she swore up and down that she was gonna let their newborn son wear them the day he comes home from the hospital and she already had it packed in his baby bag.

But Drew quietly made a separate bag for their son not wanting Karen to do that. Of course they still kept the clothes that was saved as a memorance to their deceased son almost as if they were honoring him with it.

But he wasn't going for that. He wouldn't allow Karen to put Andrew's clothes on him. That would just be too much for the both of them and he knew if he were to let her do that then she would have even more trouble trying to put him down when she needed to rest and he didn't want his wife going through stress as soon as she came home because Karen was also, deemed as high risk for having postpartum depression right after giving birth. Which was another reason of why they were so afraid of Karen getting pregnant again because they knew it would be worser than the last time that she had it because of all what had happened.

Also with Quintella and Alice being violent they were worried about how they were going to treat the baby if Karen wasn't around or if she didn't have control over them yet.

This was why they wanted to wait until after Karen was healed to have kids again because during it would be more of a challenge for her and everyone else around her.

And Karen needed to have a strong support system for what was to come.

The labor and delivery:

It was a Friday night and Karen and Drew was just watching a movie on the Lifetime movie network while they were just chilling and eating popcorn. So, far everything had calmed back down since getting ready for the new baby to come. But yet they still didn't have a name because Karen was dead set on naming him Andrew and Drew wasn't having that. So, he did not agree with Karen on that one. He even suggested that Andrew should at least be his middle name if she was that bent over it but Karen had a death grip on that name.

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