Secrets and Lies

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen goes to the doctor by herself to get confirmation on whether or not if she's pregnant while Drew had to make a run to the church.

"Baby. There's been a change of plans it seems that I can't go with you to the doctors office tomorrow." Drew told her and Karen looked at him with those sad puppy dog eyes while pouting her lips. "You're not?" Karen asked him feeling a tad bit afraid to go there by herself because she wasn't sure how she was going to react if she did find out that she was pregnant again or wasn't.

"No. I can't they just switched one of the important board meetings dates to today. But you can handle going to the appointment by yourself can't you?" Drew asked her and Karen shook her head yes. When she did that Drew quickly kissed her on the cheek. "Alright let me know the results right after you get them." Drew said as he headed out the door giving his wife a good bye.

Sighing while sitting on her bed, Karen was so nervous about going into today. Something was telling her that she was pregnant but she hadn't been having any symptoms and it was probably because it was so early on in the game and Dr.Womack was serious about her going.

It wasn't one of those appointments were Karen could miss it and not go and Dr.Womack would brush it off and be okay with it. No. This one was a more serious appointment and she knew she had to at least go when, Dr.Womack told her too.

So, now here she was getting ready to go too her doctors appointment as nervous as ever and she tried calming herself down but that didn't work because the next thing she knew both Quintella and Alice was out.

"YAYYY WE'RE PREGNANT!" Alice squealed jumping up and down in a circle while clapping her hands. While Quintella rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Nobody said anything about being pregnant just yet but my back does hurt more than usual." Quintella said. "Or maybe that was Drew putting it down on me all those weeks ago." Quin said biting her lips and annoying Karen.

"Heffa, Drew didn't fuck you he fucked me let's get that straight right now stop messing with my husband!" Karen told her finally bucking up to Quintella. "Oh, looky looky." Quin said smiling to herself. "Somebody is pregnant because you have never." Quin told her pointing a finger at her.

"I think we all know that we're pregnant but that's not the issue." Quin said as they were all standing around in their respective corners actually looking and paying attention to each other this time.

"I think the issue is how thoseee people are going to react if you are pregnant." Quin said referring to Karen's family while folding her arms. "If I were you I would hide this pregnancy." Quintella said already being messy and the day ain't even really start yet for Karen.

"Quin that wouldn't be the smart thing for me to do that would be dangerous for me." Karen said shaking her head deciding not to listen too her. "Will it?" Quin asked her arching an eyebrow.

"Or do they not wanna see you happy?" Quintella questioned her trying to make Karen doubt their true concern for her well-being.

"They're just worried about me is all." Karen told her softening back up to her normal self.

"Yeah right not when they threaten you with terminating the pregnancy as soon as you find out about it." Quintella told her and suddenly, Alice stopped happily jumping around in circles as she was now pouting and wanting to cry.

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