Need some time...

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Notes: Karen decides to leave her house after she's been released from the hospital to clear her head some more even though she wasn't allowed to do so.

During the week that Karen was in the hospital on bed rest only Kierra was allowed to see Karen after, Karen wasn't too sure about letting Twinkie see her afraid that the older siblings might try to talk her into what was going on with her other than what Dr.Womack was allowed to tell them and she didn't want Drew knowing anything else just yet because Karen was now afraid of what his reaction was going to be. Even though he didn't necessarily yell at her he still showed that he was mad even if he tried to do it in a gentle manner.

They had to understand that with having alters you had to be careful with someone like Karen.

You couldn't all just get mad at her at the same time because that would make her condition worse even though she did keep the truth from them but for good reason on her part.

So, now here Karen was in the hospital by herself with her and her unborn child.

She had yet to hear any word from J.Drew after she did speak to Twinkie about him all they said was that he hadn't been by the house since he heard that she had that surprise baby shower and had attempted suicide and Karen didn't know how she was going to fix her relationship with her son even though she thinks that she didn't necessarily do anything. If anything J.Drew was the son but he was acting as if he was her parent and she didn't appreciate that at all.

Not only that but for him to threaten again to not let her see Kali nor Jacob really felt like a knife in her heart when she was the most supportive one after he had kept having kids out of wedlock after, Drew was the main one who wanted to whoop him time and time again for not following God's instructions on marriage and kids and for disrespecting there house since apparently that's where both of his baby mama's had gotten pregnant at.

Karen felt really betrayed by her son that he did not have her back as Karen had, had his in the past. Now she knew that she couldn't keep babying J.Drew if he was going to be acting like that.

So, the next time J.Drew gotten into some trouble with his father Karen wasn't gonna try to stop no beatings that's how hurt she was by J.Drew and his actions.

After, Karen had gotten out of the hospital and was taken home by Drew it was a quiet car ride. He could say she was honestly worried about his wife and he had never stopped worrying about her because Karen had never acted this way towards him. But this just showed that her feelings were really hurt by how they had reacted. When they had went home, Karen was lifted off of the restrictions from talking to her family so, she could clear her mind for that short period of time.

But Karen felt like that wasn't enough for her and she couldn't stand having her family breathe down her neck even though they weren't mad with her anymore after her attempt she still couldn't help but to think about how they all had reacted. It was gonna take her a while to get back too a normal place with them again especially since she had been working on her mental health issues with Dr.Womack.

When she had came back home, Karen immediately went to her bedroom that she shared with her husband and started packing her clothes especially since, Drew was only dropping her off since he had to go back too the church. So, it was perfect timing for her just pack up and leave.

She didn't know how many days she would be gone but she knew that she wasn't going to be staying at her house now that she was out of the hospital after knowing that her sisters was going to constantly check up on her.

The only people who she was going to talk too was her daughter and her psychiatrists so, if they needed anything from her which she had highly doubted then they could go through them to get too her. But that didn't mean that Karen was going to talk too the rest of them.

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