New Found confidence P1

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Notes: Karen starts to regain her confidence after her and Drew makes up along with getting her new black out curtains for the house as her skin comes to the last stage of the healing process. While they also start preparing to go too court for Aidden to try revoke too Dorinda's guardianship since she was being difficult on purpose now that Karen was doing better.

"If it's not one thing than it's another." Karen said with her hand on her hip while pacing around her house and Mama Sheard was there after she was filled in on everything after coming back from her vacation.

"What's going on?" Mama Sheard asked Karen after she had walked into her daughter-in-law's and son's house.

"Dorinda." Karen said plopping back in her seat. "She was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago with Aidden but she's running late again." Karen said pouting. "She knows today was supposed of be my day with him I don't know why she does this." Karen said not wanting to believe the worst about her sister.

"Are you sure she's just running late or is she just doing that to be spiteful?" Mama Sheard asked her and Karen gasped a little bit. "Now, Mama Sheard I don't think that Dorinda would do that to me." Karen said still not wanting to believe no matter if the evidence was staring her right in the face.

"Chileee." Mama Sheard said just shaking her head because Karen just saw the good in everybody no matter what they did to her.

"What, do you think that Dorinda is doing this on purpose?" Karen asked her with two of her sisters coming in behind, Drew. "YESSS!" Everyone said including Drew.

"I still think I should've just let Jacky take care of Aidden." Drew said. " I mean I did offer." Jacky said shrugging her shoulders since it was too late now. "But I did what Karen would've wanted to do and she gave Dorinda the benefit of the doubt." Drew said after he had talked to Karen about it and Karen had wanted it to be that way not thinking it was gonna turn out like hell just to be able to see her own child. But it was difficult trying to see him.

Because if anything they should've just put him up for adoption if it was gonna be this hard just to see their son.

Of course, Drew could still see him whenever he pleased but Karen could not. So, Karen had to fight tooth and nail with Dorinda in order for her to come too the house on time now.

Once Dorinda was finally there she knocked on the door with Aidden in her arms. Quickly, Karen sprinted to the front door getting her baby from her older sister.

"What took you sooo long with my babyyy?" Karen asked planting kisses on Aidden's cheek as he just rested his head on his mama's chest biting on his balled up hand for no reason.

"I was busy baby sister something you wouldn't know about since you keep checking out of reality." Dorinda said already getting smart with her not realizing that Mama Sheard was in Karen's and Drew's house.

"Oh, hi Mama Sheard I didn't see you there I was too bust trying not to get caught up in Karen's mess." Doe said making a subtle dig at Karen. But Mama Sheard just shook her head while folding her arms and said, "God don't like ugly." She told, Dorinda. "Oh so you're talking about Karen right?" Dorinda asked her trying to slick be mean to her and so, Karen just arched an eyebrow trying to not to let Dorinda's comments get to her.

"Dorinda!" Jacky said as she was about to get on her little sister for talking about Karen's mental health problems like that.

"No, Jacky it's okay. Dorinda's just being ignorant because she doesn't understand what it's like to be me. She wouldn't be able to handle it." Karen said trying to come up with a good comeback that wouldn't necessarily cause a fight since she had Aidden now and she didn't like it when her baby had cried the last because everyone was arguing after Dorinda had said some awful things about Karen about her appearance.

The Chronicles of Quintella and AliceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora