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Notes: The family tries to be there for Karen while Dorinda counts herself out thinking that one of Karen's alters might've accidentally set the house on fire as well keeping her distance from her.

It was the following day and the family was back at the hospital letting Alice rest since she had been out all night. They were prepared to talk to either alters or Karen for that matter whoever decided to come out first since they weren't gonna question it or try to push for just Karen to come out. They were all in agreement on what to do and what not to do in order to not make her upset because they didn't know if Karen or Alice had felt better or not and so, here the family was saying their silent prayers for Karen before going in.

And when Karen finally woke back up she looked around the hospital room seeing her siblings and husband being in shock that she was there again and it made her machine go off.

"Karen." Jacky said rushing up to her baby sister to quickly calm her down so her machine can stop beeping so fast. "It's okay." She told her shushing her as she started to weep not really remembering what happened that night and if she needed to remember she had to talk too Alice about the last part of it since, Alice was out.

It was as if her alters each had their own memories and she knew for a fact that Quin had just been minding her business for a while because she was always annoyed at someone and didn't feel the need to do anything after getting Aidden back so, Quin felt like her job was kinda done a bit until someone really pissed her or Karen off she wasn't coming back out unless she was absolutely needed.

"Wh-What happened?" Karen cried as she looked down at her hands and saw that they were all bandaged up and had a cast on her leg slowly taking off the bed covers and then slowly, felt her face as she started screaming.

But then, Jacky just quickly held her gently rubbing her back to calm her down as she cried in her big sisters arms forgetting what happened the night before because she was so stressed out.

Once, Jacky got Karen to calm down Karen laid back down on her bed looking around the room not remembering that she was also there when they had first brought her in the hospital.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Drew asked his wife just to see if she knew why she was there in the hospital as he came up to her feeling bad about all of what had happened.

But then Karen started crying not being able to remember anything and she was just so frustrated with it all.

"Shhh shhh. It's okay. It's okay if you don't." Drew told her not wanting his wife to get even more upset as they just wanted to know if she still had her memory from last night but it looked like she didn't.

"Whe-where's Andrew?" Karen asked them being confused due to all the stress and not being able to think clearly. But then it took her a minute to realize what she just said and she knew had scared everyone because the looks on their faces said it all.

"I'm sorry." Karen wept. "It's okay don't apologize your just stressed out. It's fine." Drew told her lightly rubbing his wife's arm.

"Where's Aidden is he okay?!" Karen cried turning her head away from everyone and Dorinda didn't like the fact that she asked about him. But when Dorinda hesitated to answer, Denise elbowed her forcing her to answer.
Because the longer she waited the longer she knew Karen was gonna panic and Denise didn't know why Dorinda was doing that to Karen making her worry when she didn't need too.

"Stop doing that!" Denise warned her little sister whispering in her ear and Leo had looked at Dorinda after he saw how Denise had to talk too her. "He's fine." Dorinda dryly said. "Greg is watching him for me but he's not hurt or anything. He's just being the very happy baby that he is." Dorinda told her and Karen just nodded her head.

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