The hearing

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Notes: Karen and Drew have the first hearing today for Aidden.

"Drew do I look okay in this dress?" Karen asked her husband while they were getting ready for the court case as she turned around to look at him in the business casual dress she was wearing which had on a white dress shirt with sleeves and a long black dress that showed her figure.

"You look wonderful in it baby." Drew said coming up to his wife but Karen kept staring at her stomach. "You don't think I look fat in this dress?" Karen asked him turning back around to face him after he had turned her around to look at each other in the mirror as he was finishing putting on his tie.

"Karen you look great." Drew said trying to calm down his nervous wife but she shook her head no going into their huge walk-in closest changing her outfit for the fifth time that morning as she stripped out of her outfit.

"It's starting to show." Karen said stripping out of her clothes trying to look for something that doesn't quite show off her figure or her stomach that was now growing.

"It's not like how I was pregnant with Aidden." Karen said getting frustrated with herself some black slacks to wear with another bigger dress white shirt on. "Baby." Drew said stopping her before Karen done lost her mind before they even left and so he quickly but calmly came up to her pulling her into a hug to try too help calm her down.

"You'll be fine and if they happen to notice then we'll just tell them that it's mine." Drew told her placing a soft hand over her stomach. "It is mine." Drew said sucking his teeth. And Karen didn't know what to say. "But Drew you know the math doesn't add up right." Karen said as she sat back down on her bed after getting dressed and finally deciding to put an outfit on.

"What's gonna happen when the baby comes and if it looks like one of them instead of me or you?" Karen asked him tilting her head to the side. "Baby don't worry about it your siblings will understand minus Dorinda." He said nodding his head. "Leo, Jacky, Denise, and Twinkie will still be there for you regardless of what happened it wasn't your fault." He told her as he gently lifted up her chin looking at her as they had stood up facing each other.

"Now let's get ready to go we got a court case to win and our baby to bring back home." Drew said kissing Karen on her cheek and so, they grabbed their belongings and got ready to go with Ki and J.Drew already being at the court house with their grandmother and the rest of the family.

Once they were there it didn't surprise them that Dorinda was there waiting for Karen as Dorinda was talking with her lawyer.

When, Dorinda saw Karen and Drew walk into the courthouse together hand-in-hand she was lowkey surprised to see her sister since she didn't know if she had got her surgery done.

Karen had looked damn near the same as she did before the fire had happened. You couldn't even tell that the majority of her skin was burnt like it had been especially since, Karen had went ahead and got the plastic surgery done. She was looking like her old self. But sometimes if you looked closely at her you could tell that she had some work done which was why she thought she was so crooked after the reconstructive surgery was over. But the plastic surgery had helped her cosmetic appearance and in returned it had greatly helped, Karen with gaining back her confidence. So, when Dorinda looked over towards her baby sister looking like her old self she was in shock. But of course knowing Dorinda she tried to hide it with her nasty comments.

So, here Dorinda was walking with her lawyer as if she was walking towards Karen only to stop a few inches away from her baby sister as if she still didn't want to touch her.

"Mrs.Sheard." Dorinda said lightly rolling her eyes at Karen and Karen was taken aback at one Dorinda even speaking to her which caught her off-guard since, Dorinda haven't spoken to her in months and when she did it was only to throw jabs at Karen and two because she called her by her married name which confused the hell out of Karen because they were sisters.

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