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Notes: Drew finally realizes what may or may not be wrong with Karen as her behavior takes a turn for the worst.

When he clicked on the first clip he needed to zoom all the way in to see what his wife was doing sitting on the floor on her side of the bed.

It looked as if she had some type of pill bottles in her hand and when she opened up the palm of her hands two pills were in there thinking that she might've opened it earlier and the camera couldn't catch that angle. So, when she did take the pills he saw when she took them drinking the glass of water after it. He thought that when she took all her medication that Dr.Womack had gave her she would take them all in front of him since she had hated taking some of those pills.

But they were to help regulate her mood swings and she couldn't really go without them like she had done before and that wasn't pretty for nobody whenever, Karen didn't take her medicine.

Because either a fight would always break out or she would give them the silent treatment as if they had done something wrong when really they were just trying to help her and to figure out why she was so mad all the time. But not only that when she would stop taking the pills that Dr.Womack would administer to her she would refuse to take them once, Drew would find out and Karen would never give him an explanation on why she stopped taking them.

He remembered that argument like it was yesterday it was when they were in a dressing room changing after her and her sisters had just gotten done performing and Karen had immediately stopped talking to them as if she hated them and so, the sisters would just continue to talk without her whether she was speaking to them or not.


"Karen I need to talk too you." Drew told his wife as he peaked around the corner of the dressing room. "Is everything alright?" Denise asked him as she had re-joined the group. "Mmhmm." He said looking at them not wanting them to get mad at the fact that he found out that Karen had stopped taking her pills for almost two weeks now after he had counted them knowing that something had looked off in her medicine cabinet.

"What is it Drew?" Karen asked him in her quiet raspy voice as she wasn't feeling up to talking no one after the show.

"Karen did you take your pills today?" Drew asked her and Karen looked away from him although she had tried to hold eye contact with him to try too lie to him about it.

"Don't lie to me is that why you've been acting this way?" Drew questioned her.

"What do you mean acting this way?" Karen asked getting offended by her husband's/manager's question.

"Karen you've been too yourself lately and having erratic mood swings." Drew said.

"Drew are we really going to do this right here when we're just about to leave?" Karen asked him getting annoyed with him. "Yes, we are because I want to know why my wife haven't been taking her damn pills for over two weeks now going on three if I hadn't caught it?!" Drew questioned her worried about her and Karen's eyes widened at the tone of his voice as well as nearly getting caught.

"Lowerrr your voice. You might be my husband but you sure ain't my damn daddy to be yelling at me like that." Karen said to him gritting her teeth and giving him the side eye.

Then she made the mistake of walking away from him after saying that as he gently grabbed onto her arm pulling her back causing her to squeal loudly making Dorinda get up from out of her seat to go check on them talking in a far corner away from the dressing room which was across from the hall.

"Y'all good?" Dorinda had asked them looking across the hall at them and Drew looked at her and nodded his head yes.

"Karen you okay??" Doe asked her baby sister. "I'm fine." Karen said slightly pulling away from Drew. "Alright. Just remember my promise, Drew." Dorinda told him. "Don't get out of hand okayy?" She told him and they watched her go back into the dressing room.

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