Let the games begin P2

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Notes: Quintella and Alice comes out to play once again. Smut scene. 🌚

Side note: I also forgot to mention that their was a time jump in the last chapter that was for five weeks. So, yeah Karen didn't get to see her newborn baby that often. So, I'm putting it here now.

Once everyone had left and it was just the Sheards in there house, Quin had slowly walked upstairs taking her time to think about what all needed to be done to teach them a lesson.

Because no one crossed her nor Karen and got away with it.

Her main job just like Alice's was to protect Karen but they both done it in different ways.

But before she went into her room she turned on the sound proof system that was attached to Karen's and Drew's room and she checked the cameras to make sure that Kierra and J.Drew was preoccupied because she didn't want anybody interrupting them.

Now, here Quin was standing at the door taking a deep breath to go in as if she was Karen schooling herself on not to fuck up.

But Drew was well aware that it possibly was not his wife no matter how much it might've felt like her after having that small conversation with Dr.Womack before she left.

"Baby." Drew said as normal as he possibly could as he watched one of Karen's alters go into the bathroom something that Karen would do after her therapy sessions to get herself together before talking to anyone and he noticed that they took being Karen seriously.

But Quin ignored him playing her role as Karen seriously instead of jumping to cuss him out like she wanted too.

Then, when she went into the bathroom she started crying like Karen would do. But obviously, Drew knew she was fake crying because Quintella never cried except for that one time when Dorinda had pushed her to her limit. So, now he knew how Quin sounded when she cried. And quickly, Drew took out the paper that he was writing on to observe Quintella and Alice and quickly hid it in the hiding place that he had it in so, she wouldn't find it.

When she came back Quin was dressed in one of Karen's lingerie's outfits.

"Girl what you got on?" Drew asked his seemingly wife, Karen knowing that this was Quin. But he also knew that at random times if Karen didn't get dick she wouldn't beg for it but seduce into it.

"You like it?" Quin asked him in her best Karen voice adding that raspiness too it. As she turned herself sideways in the door frame seeing nothing but half her ass out with a sexy pink lace bra and a see through robe.

"Yeah I like it. I like it alot." Drew mumbled to himself because Quin knew that this was Drew's favorite lingerie piece. But he also knew he had to be careful if he was gonna have sex with one of her alters. But him and Dr.Womack had both made that decision for him not to do that because they didn't know what kind of unstable connection it could cause her alters if they were to ever get intimate.

"Go down." Drew silently told himself as his big friend was raising up and Quin started smiling as she bit her finger. "This is gonna be funnn." Quin thought to herself as she crawled up on the bed.

"You knowww Drew we haven't been intimate in a while." Quin whined trying to sound like Karen would and she started touching him like Karen would do starting on his leg and sliding up to his dick rubbing on it through his pants leg and he tried to stop her but she had fast hands and unbuckled his pants pulling down his boxers and licking her lips.

Then, she took him into her mouth and all his senses went out the window. Even tho he knew that wasn't Karen that was still her mouth and Quin gawked the fuck out of him. Quin ain't know this but she was about to meet a side of Drew that only Karen knew and she was gonna regret it.

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