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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Dr.Womack and Karen continues their session as her family is there for moral support.

After, Karen was done telling all of what she could remember from that night there was nothing but sniffles being heard throughout the room. While Karen held onto the tissue she was using twisting it around nervously with her hands while the tears dried on her face.

"So, do you think I'm just crazy or...?" Karen sniffled looking away putting her fingers in her mouth since she as nervous as she still felt bad that she couldn't control her alters. "No, Karen you're not crazy. You've just been traumatized to the point where your body couldn't handle what you had to go through. "And now that you've opened up to us about that night I can better assist you on how you can work with your alters and manage them because with you telling us the story I could easily identify how they were birthed." Dr.Womack told her and then she just went straight in on what her treatment plan would be as her siblings listened in on it.

"Which leads me into identifying the other co-occuring issues which is the fact that you do have borderline personality disorder, depression, PTSD and anxiety because of that night and no you're not crazy. But we are going to work together to try to manage all of this it may take some time but it will work." Dr.Womack told her. "You just have to trust me." She told, Karen and Karen looked at her with her red eyes from crying and nodding her head deciding that she did want to heal from having to go through that.

"Remember there's absolutely nothing wrong with attending therapy to help you heal. It's the best thing that you can do for yourself." Dr.Womack told her and Karen just moved the strand of hair away from her face as she was still sniffling but nodding her head again agreeing with her.

But then, Karen started crying again as she put her head down in her hands muttering, "I was fine before this everything was fine." Karen cried and Dorinda hated seeing her baby sister so, heartbroken and upset. "It's my fault that he isn't here." Karen whispered through her tears but they were still able to hear her and Dorinda just frantically shook her head no and Drew's heart broke. Because that was one thing he feared that his wife would blame herself because he knew that pain was too great for Karen to bare. "No, sweetie it isn't your fault." Drew said as he had now faced his full body towards, Karen but she just kept crying and then they remembered what Quintella said about her crying for days on end while she wasn't there.

So both, Drew and Dorinda came up to Karen one on each of her side because it was a good thing that they did that because the next thing they knew was that she was hyperventilating.

Unable to breathe as it was taking her back to that night and she was feeling Alice trying to break out and scream for her but she tried to fight against it this time as her body was thrown backwards in the chair with her eyes blurry from her tears, "Alice no!" Karen hollered as she was trying to come out and she shoved, Karen out of the way. "You stay, I'll go!" Alice told, Karen and Quintella was just standing in a far corner shaking her head looking at the two. "Here we go again. I'm so, tired't." Quintella said banging her head on the wall.

But on the outside it now looked as if Karen was tightly hugging herself shaking her head no.

"Go away, go away!" She whispered through tears tired of having been gone for days on end and all she wanted to do was too mentally relax and to just take a break from everything that had been going on.

"Karen." Dr.Womack gently said as she got up from her seat going over to where, Dorinda was standing in front of her desk to the side of Karen and the family was now watching Dr.Womack in full blown action working with Karen and her alters and suddenly, Karen shook her head no covering her ears. And Dorinda moved over to where, Drew was standing deciding not to sit back down as she wanted to be there for her baby sister even more after she was seeing how Karen was actually doing than before when she was trying to "hide her feelings."

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