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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: A breakthrough happens with one of Karen's alters while Drew and Karen can't seem to stop staring at each other inside the center only to come home and end up making love to one another.


After all that happened, everyone was enjoying the party having good, clean fun since there was no drinking involved. Drew was busy talking to a few of his friends while Alice was some what talking to Karen's only giving them short worded answers while letting Dorinda do all the talking because Doe was afraid that someone was going to accidentally piss off Alice.

But inside Karen couldn't help but to think about the pictures that were taken of her and her son. It was like she was obsessed with knowing who went into the photo album. And yes, Karen knew that Drew was the one who took the photos of her and Andrew together because she remembered that day like it was yesterday but she wanted to know how her siblings were even able to get too the photo album after she hid it from everyone. Well, everyone except for Drew and so, Karen stared at her husband from afar just shaking her head to herself.

She felt, Quintella wanting to come out but even though Alice had taken over for now for some reason Alice kept bothering Quin every time she tried even. And this came in a form of Karen daydreaming at her own party.

It was almost as if Alice was helping her with Quintella and so, Quintella would be arguing with Alice inside of Karen's mind which caused, Karen to just drift off into outer space whenever that would happen and so, here Karen was again staring at a decorated wall listening to the two argue. "BITCHH LET ME FUCKING GO!" Quin had yelled at Alice. "Noooo stay and PLAY WITH ME!" Alice started to scream at her but then that made her mad as hell and Quin had went to go slap the shit outta, Alice but Alice ran inside of her and so, Karen's body had jerked a little twitching a bit over that and Karen tried her best to control her alters that day but it was just easier to let them take over her trying to manage them was hard.

But what was even harder was trying to get them too let Karen come back out whenever one of them would take over. Alice had since become cooperative it was suggested that she just had to know you a little bit better and that you had to do things on her terms for the most part to get her too leave.

Noticing that something was wrong Dorinda called her baby sister as Karen was still holding the stuffed animal in her hand while she kept it in her lap not wanting to leave it just anywhere seeing that she to was attached to it as well.

And so, Karen put on a fake smile listening to whatever some of the ladies were talking about quickly making her way back out since, Alice was to busy annoying Quintella.

After that conversation was over with Karen had spotted, Drew coming over to her to go greet the guests as a couple and to personally thank them for coming and supporting them in their time of need. But when, Drew came over he could see the look on Karen's face which was a questioning look and he knew it had to be about the photo album and so, he took her somewhere to a private place in the center.

"Are you okay?" Drew asked his wife knowing that it was Karen again and Alice had willfully left earlier. "Drewww why?" Karen started to cry and Alice was nearby again as she started to hear, Karen weep. "I didn't know they were going to do that they just said they never had a picture of the two of y'all just together." Drew honestly told her. "This party was a surprise for the both of us they didn't tell me anything and I didn't suspect anything although I should've." Drew told her. "Baby don't cry." Drew told her as he gently lifted up her head. "Do you wanna go home do you not like the paintings?" He asked her concerned about her feelings and Karen shook her head no wiping her tears away.

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