Revenge P2

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Notes: Quintella and Alice finally puts there plan into action.

TRIGGER WARNING: VIOLENCE, Mentions of cutting and fighting!

It was now a week later and Karen had been walking around the house as if she was mindless with her robe on doing nothing but moping around the house.

Drew nor her family members didn't know if she was just sad at the fact that she couldn't get to see her son like she wants too or if she was actually in a depressive episode. So, Drew went back over her reports from Dr.Womack to look for the signs in his wife and sure enough she was.

She hadn't really been out of the house after last Sunday nor even spoken to anyone which alarmed her family.

Meanwhile, Quintella and Alice was preparing for their plan to get revenge on all of Karen's family members and plus, Dr.Womack.

All that week they had been sneaking clothes out to the car in little plastic bags putting them in a small suitcase that Karen could easily hide if she were to ever find out about what their plan was because at this point she had absolutely no idea what they were doing.

All Karen knew was that she had wanted to see her baby and they were gonna fix it somehow.

Then, they also took some of the baby clothes that was in Aidden's nursery and put that in another small bag leaving his usual baby bag at home the one that Drew would often use to take too Dorinda's house.

And while Alice was packing her clothes while Quin packed hers and the baby's she decided that she would leave the stuffed bunny rabbit at home not wanting it to get lost anywhere just in case if something happened to her. So, she stared at it a little while longer until she hugged it tightly to her chest until she started getting emotional and started crying over it because it felt like she was leaving the first Andrew behind.

Once that was over with she made she had everything that she needed and she willfully let Quin come back out to make sure they had everything in order and Quin had even packed some clothes for Karen to wear.

When that was done with Karen came back out laying down in her bed not wanting to do anything. Just letting her alters control everything. At this point it had felt like she had completely given up.

"I hate seeing her so depressed and just...sad." Alice said pouting and folding her arms with her lips all poked out.

"Yeah I know but this week we'll make it better for her she'll thank us later." Quin said shrugging her shoulders.

After they had their little talk they decided to let Quin stay out so she can initiate the plan.

The therapy session:

"Well Karen it seems to me that you have been doing better with the in-home therapy sessions instead of the office sessions." Dr.Womack told her as they got done with everything today and she was surprised but she was also very suspicious because Quin not Alice had made an appearance from the last time that Drew had to embarrassingly tell, Dr.Womack about earlier on in their sessions.

"Are you liking this change in the environment? Is being at home more comfortable for you than it is in the office?" Dr.Womack asked her as she was writing everything down and Quin nodded her head yes just like Karen would.

"Mmhm I see so, would you say that your anxiety about staying home by yourself is getting better or is it in a stable position like not so, maybe, or yes?" Dr.Womack asked her.

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