Why can't we?!

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen and Drew have a talk about what Alice said in therapy.

"So...." Karen said plopping down on their bed as she held the stuff animal in her hand while she looked at Drew close their door and lock it since it was a private conversation about their upcoming future.

"What did you want to talk too me about?" Karen asked him as she was still a bit exhausted from today. " I just wanted to know do you want another baby to replace Andrew?" Drew asked her and Karen gasped a gasped that sounded like a mixture between hurt and disappointment.

"Drew, no." Karen said getting up from the bed away from him to stand next to the wall while she folded her arms and moved a strand of her own hair back.

"I would never want to replace our son!" Karen quietly said but her voice was filled with so much hurt that you could hear that more. "Are you sure because it's okay to tell me we can work through this together without having another baby right now." Drew told her. And Karen just shook her head no again in disbelief that Drew would even think that about her.

"Are you seriously asking me that question?!" Karen said getting upset with him as the both of her hands were now on her temples.

"Baby I just need to know because Alice said some very concerning things and what we did last night and how we did it." Drew said with his arm stretched out concerned that he might have gotten her pregnant since he didn't think about this beforehand. "Drew are you afraid of getting me pregnant again?" Karen asked him folding her arms back up and biting her lip since she was getting mad at that ridiculous accusation of which she called it. And she felt, Quintella slowly come forward inside of her.

"No, Karen. I'm not afraid of getting you pregnant again I love all of our kids and if we do make more I would love it and I love, making-love to you." Drew told her bringing her in closer to him by her waist and Karen took her index finger and started playing with his chest even though his clothes were still on. "Then, why are you so afraid that I'm trying to replace, Andrew and you know I'm NOT!" Karen hollered at him while she was now crying and Drew was holding his wife.

"I'm not afraid I just don't want a new pregnancy to overwhelm you while we're still grieving our son you know it haven't been that long." Drew said whispering the last part to her as he gently placed his forehead on top of hers giving her a sweet peck on the lips and Karen just nodded her head yeah. "I know. His birthday is coming up." Karen quietly said as she just started to weep into Drew's chest and he held her while she let it out letting Drew comfort her.

"I just want my baby back." Karen wept as her voice cracked and losing her balance due to her being highly upset she started to slide out of Drew's arms onto the floor but when Drew felt what was happening he got down on the floor with her holding her while he leaned his back against their wall and let Karen cry into his chest.

"I know you do. We both do." Drew told her kissing her on the top of her forehead while he gently rubbed her back to comfort her.

"Wou-Would it reallyyy be that bad if we had another baby?" Karen asked with a whimper him looking and he looked at his wife gently lifting her chin up. "We need to wait until the time is right for us again to have another child." Drew told her and Karen just slowly turned her head away from him and silently cried wiping her own tears but Drew once again gently turned his wife's face back towards his removing her hands from her face wiping her tears for her.

"Kare." Drew said calling her by her nickname with a calm voice while holding her right hand.

"I just said it would be too much for us to handle right now." Drew told her as he held her closer to his chest just in case she needed to let out the anger of being told no.

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