Pandora's Box

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Notes: Karen becomes enraged that she can't see her son like Drew can as her alters starts to get worse than they were when they were first developed.

It was the next day and Karen was released from the hospital but they had transported her to the mental asylum to keep her on suicide watch because she had went back to not talking too anybody. It wasn't just the silent treatment it was a silence that alarmed, Dr.Womack and with the signs that were showing she wasn't taking any chances. She wasn't about to play with Karen's life like that especially since she believed in her that she was going to get better.

Now this was Karen's fourth stay in the mental asylum that was back-to-back. She's had prior visits before which was going back more than 4 times more like almost ten times. Which meant that Karen was really struggling and either she truly didn't understand her disorder or either she was didn't want to admit that she needed help again. Because it took her awhile to accept the fact that she had DID.

It wasn't easy for her to admit to herself that she had it and she struggled with living with it and some people thought that she shouldn't be struggling like that in the first place. But when you go through something traumatic and it changes your life that's a difficult thing to deal with and it's not easy controlling it either especially when you don't understand what's going on which was what happened with Karen it was a mixture of not understanding and being afraid to accept that she now had a disorder.

Now here, Dr.Womack was sitting with Karen in her room at the asylum having her therapy sessions with her and it was just like when they first met.

Karen was just as quiet as could be looking around everywhere in the book but at Dr.Womack avoiding eye contact with her.

Dr.Womack knew that Karen could possibly be feeling nervous and afraid so she decided to take things slow allowing Karen to go at her own pace. Which was something that Dr.Womack rarely allowed. She only allowed this in special cases and Karen had been one of them.

But she didn't allow for the patient to think that they had the upper hand because she knew that would cause problems.

So, here she was also working on re-building her trusts with Karen.

After she did that she handed Karen her evaluation survey based off of how she felt and she was supposed to do one every once in a while to help keep try of her mood swings for her bi-polar disorder. But when she handed Karen the paper and Karen took it to look at it she took the paper in one of her hands and she balled it up looking at Dr.Womack for that short amount of time and throwing the paper across the room turning her head away from her while folding her arms.

"Okayyy." Dr.Womack said to herself writing down a note of what just happened knowing that things were about to turn left and she knew that Karen was in serious trouble because she didn't even try to scratch the paper first with her the pencil that she had given her.

But then right when, Dr.Womack had reached over to take back the clipboard because Karen wasn't trying hand it over to her seeing that both of her alters were out and Alice and Quintella had came up with a plan to jump, Dr.Womack.

Once she did that Quintella tried stabbing Dr.Womack on the arm with the pencil at first gripping her arm making Dr.Womack grit her teeth.

"Wheww you're a stronggg alter." Dr.Womack said knowing that was Quintella.

"Surprise bitch did you miss me?!" Quintella crazy self asked her smiling at her thinking that she had Dr.Womack all to herself. But Dr.Womack was also trained to protect herself against patients who get violent and she was waiting for the day that Karen's alters got to that point.

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