Did y'all talk?

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: The siblings checks in with Karen and Drew to see how the therapy session and their conversation went about having another child.

Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide attempt

"So, Karen did you and Drew have that conversation?" Dorinda asked her baby sister as they were sitting down on her living room couch with the rest of the siblings there in the living room. And Karen just sighed shrugging her shoulders of really up to telling them what they talked about.

"Karen you know we're here for you." Jacky said coming up beside her on the other end holding her left hand while Twinkie, Denise and Leo in front of her and it was as if they were sitting around in a closed circle with Karen in the middle while Dorinda was on the right of her.

"We did." Karen finally told them. "And what did y'all decide?" Jacky asked her as they had wanted to know how they could better help their baby sister and brother-in-law out.

"Well to make a long story short, Dr.Womack said that we should wait until we try again for another one." Karen said swallowing hard as she really was upset about that and she tried not to cry while saying it as she felt the threatening tears coming down her face. "And you know, Drew he's going to agree with what's best and so, they decided that it's not time for me to have another one." Karen said as she swallowed hard again as if she was now mad.

"And it would've been the perfect moment to try again for another baby boy since y'all know Andrew's birthday is coming up and me and Drew could've made an exact replicate of him." Karen said in her sweet raspy voice while her siblings were all still very much worried about her and her mental state seeing that she thought her and Drew could make another one of him.

"Ka-Karen you do know that you could just have a little princess the next time, right?" Dorinda nervously said trying to get through to her best friend but Karen snapped her neck at her so, hard turning her head around hella fast to scrawl at her.

"Dorinda you don't agree with them do you?" Karen asked her referring to Drew and Dr.Womack. And Dorinda just nervously folded her lips not knowing how to answer that question without making Karen mad or upset not wanting her alters to come out because she ain't know if she could deal with Alice one more time and not fight her.

"Karen you know I'm your best friend." Dorinda said to her as she held her baby sisters hand. "Then, ACT LIKE IT DAMN IT!" Karen lightly hollered at her and Dorinda was surprised to see this from Karen herself and not her alters.

"Well excuse the hell outta me." Dorinda lightly mumbled underneath her breath not being offended by it just shocked.

"I'm-I'm sorry." Karen said rubbing her temples with her left hand that was free with Dorinda quickly went back to holding her right hand. "Karen it's okay we just want the best for you and Drew." Dorinda said as they all really did have their best interest at heart.

"What none of you don't think I can make another Andrew?" Karen seriously asked them as she looked around the room. "Jacky you're our big sister you're not gonna tell them this can happen again?" Karen asked her and Jacky was stumbling over her words until she came across the word, "No" firmly but gently trying to tell Karen the reasons why. "Deniseeee." Karen whined wanting to get her way but she shook her head no too. "Karen I think you should just listen to your therapist and to us we're not trying to hurt you." Denise said not knowing how else to put it as a hand was slightly covering her mouth not knowing what to say or do. But all she knew was that she had to tell her baby sister the truth.
"Twinkie you're the one who has the most faith outta all of us tell them they're wrong this time!" Karen said desperately needing someone to be on her side or else it felt like she was gonna explode. "Karen we don't know that for sure baby sis." Twinkie said as she felt sorry for what her baby sister was going through and Karen slowly started to shake her head no. "Leo, make them listen to me you're older than all of them!" Karen said pointing her fingers at her baby sister not even asking Dorinda again because she had said no the first time earlier on in the conversation.
"Baby sis I'm sorry but we don't know that for sure." Leo said.

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