Siblings Meeting...Intervention

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Notes: The siblings meet up to discuss Karen's current behavioral issues along with Drew and tries to come up with a plan to help her.

After, Drew had stepped out of their bedroom he went into his office locking his door to call, Twinkie to see why she was talking so secretively when he was at work.

When he did call her the rest of the siblings were already on the other line as well.

"Hey, Drew." Twinkie said answering her phone. "Is Karen there with you?" Twinkie asked him and Drew responded to her. "No she's asleep in the other room. Why? What's wrong with my wife?" He asked her.

"That's good that she's asleep. She needs it." Twinkie told him skipping over his question for now as she was gonna come back to it later.

"But just to let you know the rest of the siblings are on the line as well because this is really important." Twinkie said. And, Drew gulped not knowing what was about to happen. "Say hey, y'all." Twinkie said letting them greet, Drew.

"Heyyy, Drew!" They all said at once with the exception of Dorinda adding on...

"Karen betta NOT be pregnant Drew remember my promiseeee!" Dorinda teased but was still serious.

"Doe stop joking around this is serious." Jacky said popping her. "Ouch you gonna stop popping me and I was being serious he knows what the drill is!" Dorinda told them.

"If Karen's pregnant then it's his ass." Dorinda said looking at her nails. "Because he knows better then to get her knocked up right now so, he's gonna take half this blame while Karen take the other half." Dorinda said. "It's 50/50." She told them putting her hands on her hips.

"Ignore her, Drew. Once again, Dorinda isn't going to do anything and to answer your question from earlier about what's wrong with Karen that's what we're trying to find out." Twinkie said.

"And, Karen isn't pregnant she knows how dangerous that is for her to be pregnant right now." Leo told them. "Didn't he just tell us that last month?" Leo said. And, Dorinda rolled her eyes at her big brother and they started arguing.

"Could y'all two stop bickering for a moment and let this conversation get started?" Twinkie said and they immediately hushed up not saying another word until spoken too.

"Alright so, how did that conversation with Karen go earlier today because you never really told me it was like you was talking in secret?" Drew told her.

"Yeah well, I just needed to be careful and make sure that no one was around you to know our business." Twinkie said talking about the families business.

"So, I'm a just get straight to it." Twinkie told him and they all listened.

"So, when I went to go talk too Karen it was a good talk and what not and she expressed how she was feeling about Andrew not being here and she's still very much upset by it she still cried pretty hard over our nephew." Twinkie said telling him. "But then, I don't know what happened but the next thing I knew I was waking up on the floor." Twinkie said still in a shocked voice of disbelief.

"WHAT?!" Drew said as shocked as ever along with the rest of the siblings being shocked gasping for air. "Yes, I was on the FLOORRR!" Twinkie said putting more emphasis on it. "And my head was just a pounding away." She said.

"Yes chileee. I was on the floor right near the door and I don't know how that happened from me being on the couch and getting to the floor like that." Twinkie said. "Well, did you faint?" Drew asked his sister-in-law and Twinkie sucked her teeth.

"Now, Drew you know I didn't faint." Twinkie said. "So, are you insinuating that Karen did something to you?" Drew questioned her not liking where this was going with his tone changing a bit upset that Twinkie would accuse Karen of doing something so ill-mannered to her.

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