I have feelings too.

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Notes: The family realizes that Quintella is actually hurt by what Dorinda did.

After they had escorted Quintella off to the mental asylum, Quintella was now settled in her room. It was as if once she got away from Dorinda she was able to calm down although she was crying and she was crying hard.

But more specifically she was crying angry tears. At this point she couldn't stand being next to Dorinda and she didn't understand why karen still loved her and treated her much better than Dorinda had treated her. She didn't even have the energy to continue fighting her even though she really wanted too.

And she guessed it was because of the pregnancy. She just wished that Andrew would get here and be healthy so things could go back to business and she could fight Dorinda as needed because this pregnancy was making her soft as she believed and she hated it.

It was as if she was experiencing some new emotions that she never felt before and she hated it all.

Breaking Point:

It was the next day after when the family decided that they would visit Quintella in the mental asylum. They thought that would be at least the right thing to do after what happened. And plus, they had to start treating Karen's alters as if they're actually Karen because they were apart of her. So, them avoiding Quintella before like they did in the past wasn't going to cut it. Sometimes they would avoid her completely and other times they would visit her if they thought that Karen had returned or was returning back soon.

But this time they had no idea whether or not if Karen would be back anytime soon. Because the way that they seen Karen herself was as if she was in complete and utter distress. They noticed when she came out during the argument with Dorinda and had hyperventilated and went back into what they called was hiding. Because she would never come out once Alice or Quintella was out until yesterday. So, they weren't so sure what that meant for them. Because they never seen Karen pop out during an argument before between her alters and family members.

This was new territory for them that they had just crossed and they knew it.

When they had finally reached the asylum, Dr.Womack was already there ready to greet them as she took them to Quintella's room.

But before they were allowed to go into see Dr.Womack had reminded them a few things about the rules especially to Dorinda and she warned them that Quintella probably wasn't going to be up for talking.

The family wasn't sure what they were going to be in for.

When they finally were let into her room they saw that Quintella had her back turned towards them. But they also knew that she was crying because she kept sniffling and using her hands to wipe what seemed to be falling tears from her eyes.

"Quin?" Drew started to say as he walked up to her but Quintella didn't even try to acknowledge him because she was so mad at Dorinda for what happened. Even though Quintella had refused to come out at the asylum while the people were there she had came out afterwards raising all types of hell. Which was why Dr.Womack was so careful with her over these last few days that she's been back.

Quintella's purpose was to make Karen tougher or at least seem as if she was tougher than her usual self and to protect her at all costs. It was an any means necessary type of deal with Quintella especially since those few men were still out.

So, Quin was also paranoid as well which was why she was on such high alert. It was like she was living in fear every day and not a single family member understood that as she thought to herself and it made her even more upset instead of mad something that she had never felt before and it scared her.

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