Mock trial

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Notes: The drama continues.

It was a Thursday afternoon and Karen was sitting on her living room couch looking through her materials for her upcoming album that the record label wanted until she heard a hard knock on the door. "That sounds like the police." Karen said confused as hell thinking that it couldn't have possibly been them knocking on her door because her family don't get in trouble like that unless, J.Drew was messing with the wrong crowd and got himself caught up.

But when she went to go answer the door she was immediately greeted with handcuffs and read her miranda rights.

"Are Karen Clark Sheard?" One of the police officers asked her and Karen furrowed her eyebrows saying "yes" even though she was confused as all out doors as what was happening. "You're under the arrest for the attempted murder, "Of Dorinda Clark-Cole you have the right to remain silent anything said will be held against you in the court of law you have the right to an attorney!" The police officer said putting handcuffs on Karen as they arrrested her. "Wait a minute there's gotta be some kind of a mistake I would never do such a thing!" Karen said trying to defend herself but then she started screaming for Drew to come down the steps and he came down almost a bit too calm for her liking and that pissed her off even more.

"DREW?!" Karen hollered at him. "Ma'am you have the right to remain silent!" The police officer reminder her. "Baby don't worry I'll get you out this is a misunderstanding!" Drew said knowing exactly what was happening.

"Ouch, be careful with me!" Karen said in her raspy voice as they were trying to take her out of the house but Karen felt Quintella arising out of her. "What kind of FUCKING SHIT IS THIS?!" Quin shouted at the police officers as they put her into the cop car. "Ma'am please watch your language." The cop said and he knew that had to have been one of her alters who he was warned about with Dr.Womack.

Back inside, Drew was calling Karen's siblings telling them that it was already happening.

"And they're gonna keep her over night in the jail cell right?" Jacky asked him. "Yes." He said. "Don't you think that Karen might find it odd if you don't get her out on bail knowing that y'all have money for it?" Jacky asked him remembering that simple fact. "Yes but we have to remember that Dorinda is probably going to enjoy this so, we have to make sure that this is as real as possible for them both." Drew said and the rest of the siblings just agreed with him.

Once Karen arrived at the county jail house the police officers had let her out of the car with her hands still cuffed behind her back being as nervous as ever since, Quin was out.

"Get your hands off of me!" Quin hollered at the officer. "Ma'am I'm not even handling you roughly." He calmly tried to tell her remembering his strict instructions on not to mishandle her.

"Fucking pigs all of you!" Quin barked at them while another one just held her by her shoulder taking her in since he was a little afraid of her but he couldn't let that show because Quin was gonna play on that if she were to find out that he was afraid of her.

Once they put her in the jail cell they unloosened her hand cuffs and Quin tried to escape out of the jail cell before they had closed the door shut. "THIS IS A MISTAKE!" Quin yelled at them holding onto the rails looking at the other person in the cell with her.

"Don't look this way unless you wanna get cut." Quin said scaring the person.

"I don't get my one phone call?!" She asked the deputy that was on call and he just laughed at her walking up to her jail cell and then looking her up and down. "Hm you look familiar." He said and then he licked his lips at her and he backed away. "I could let you have two for a favor." He said insinuating a sensual favor. "I'll let my fucking lawyers know what a pig you are!" Quin whispered to him. "Hm. I might be a big but at least they make good bacon something you seem to have." He said knowing exactly who Karen Clark Sheard was. "Stop licking your lips at me before I cut your tongue out!" Quin growled at him. "Hm you're a little fiesty one aren't ya?" He rhetorically asked her. " I can't wait until it's just you and me the things we can do." He said putting his feet up on the desk and then the other police officer came removing the other person that was in the cell with her. "WAIT!" Quin screamed. "You gotta get me outta here that man IS A PIG!" Quin hollered at him. But he just looked at her and shrugged his shoulders walking away with the other person who made bail.

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