Not a great idea

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters!

Notes: Karen is back in therapy with Dr.Womack and Drew is there for emotional support.

"So, Karen." Dr.Womack said giving her a soft smile and Karen lightly rolled her eyes looking away from her. "Did you do the assignment that I asked you to do?" Dr.Womack had asked her and Drew turned to Karen putting a wondering arm on the chair next to her arching her eyebrow. "Yeah." Karen sighed leaning back down in the chair and her face was deadpanned.

As Karen was just looking everywhere but them, Dr.Womack asked her again, "did you do it willingly?" She asked her trying to make eye contact with Karen and Karen sucked her teeth at her as if she was a child.

And then, Dr.Womack turned to Drew placing a hand up underneath her chin smirking kind of already knowing the answer to that one. "Do you wanna answer that for her?" Dr.Womack asked them knowing that Karen was being stubborn and Alice was about to be on her way out if she didn't stop asking her.

"She didn't want to do the assignment but I made her." Drew told her therapist.

"She was actually trying to get into some other things." Drew said quickly turning his head around and fake coughing letting Dr.Womack know what those "other things" were without saying the word and she just smiled and chuckled.

"Mmhm. I see unhealthy habits." Dr.Womack told them. "And did you give into her?" Dr.Womack asked him and Drew nearly choked on his spit since he wasn't prepared for Dr.Womack to even follow up with that question.

"Umm." Drew said.

"Not at first I must say I did have to restrain myself from because she was veryyyy...convincing and distractinggg." Drew said trying to find the words and be modest about what his wife had been wearing. "Uh huhhh." Dr.Womack said trying not to laugh while she arched an eyebrow at him.

"And what did you learn from that assignment?" Dr.Womack asked him and so before, Drew even started talking he gently grabbed his wife's hand which caused her to look at him and back down to there hands making Karen bite the inside of her lip with turning her head away again.

"Well, I learned that my wife is still feeling unbearable guilt from our son being murdered." Drew said and Karen immediately got sad all over again. "And it's still very painful for her to talk about especially since the one who murdered our son and stabbed her are still out there." Drew told her. "And sometimes she has these nightmares that he's going to come back and harm her you know finish the job of what he started." Drew said since the public knew that Karen was still alive, Karen thought to herself that he was probably planning another attack and she didn't even feel comfortable staying inside of their old house anymore and they just had to move because it wasn't good for neither of their mental health and it especially wasn't good for Karen's since she was the one that endured it.

"And I know I said this before at home but I'm saying it again." Drew told her as he lightly squeezed, Karen's hand as a sign of comfort.

"You're blameless in what happened to our son you didn't know that they were there and that they were gonna do such a horrific act." Drew told her trying to look into his wife's eyes even though Karen was facing him her head was kind of looking down.

"I hate that you blame yourself that you have this hurt and had to go through that alone." Drew said. "If anything I should've stayed home and let someone else take over and the blame should be on me not on you. If I could take your pain away I would." Drew sweetly told her and the next thing they knew, Karen was silently crying in her therapists office while Drew sweetly caressed his wife's face on the left side of her cheek while he nuzzled her on the nose pecking her on the lips. And PDA was usually something the couple didn't do but when they did, Drew usually meant it with all his heart.

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