Almost out

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Notes: As Karen's secret pregnancy progresses her mental health and anxiety gets worser which Dr.Womack predicted.

It was now 3 months later and Karen was now six months pregnant into her hidden pregnancy. No one had yet to notice a thing because her stomach hadn't quite grown yet and there still wasn't a very noticeable bulge there nor bump to hold onto nor to see.

But that didn't mean that something was wrong with the baby that just meant that's how the baby was growing and so, Karen was physically getting away with keeping her pregnancy a secret besides
her boobs getting bigger which was the milk growing inside of her.

As far as her mental health, Karen had been doing some very questionable things that worried her family causing them to report it too her therapist so, they could discuss it in her next therapy session considering the fact that Karen wasn't going to tell, Dr.Womack her ownself about what had happened over the last few days.

Which was bad on Karen's part because having this secret pregnancy she needed some honest counseling or at least someone to watch over her.

However she kept it together for as long as she could until her alters were getting a tad bit overwhelming since she couldn't take her medicine. She had to be extremely careful with taking it since she was doing this without the consultation of Dr.Womack.

What made it even worse was that Dorinda had became even more watchful of Karen after the mock trial. Because there was no way that she thought Karen was just "alright" as Karen would tell her especially since it seemed like Karen was talking around in circles while she was on the stand.

Jacky on the other hand had sensed something as well and was keeping tabs on her and sending them to Dr.Womack without Karen knowing. The only other person who knew this was Drew because Jacky didn't want Dorinda to go into overdrive over Karen since she was already overprotective of her and very watchful of her.

And she sure didn't need Denise nor Leo to get in the mix because that would just make Karen feel some type of way and she didn't want to do that she was still trying to be sensitive to her baby sister's feelings. She was the oldest sibling after, Leo so she was gonna take care of Karen the best way she knew how especially after she opened up about her hair disorder and showed them how she actually looked after the attack.

Even though they didn't want to treat Karen differently she was still feeling the vibes of it and she didn't like it which made her get some fresh air earlier on in the daytime.

It was now 9pm at night and Karen had been sleepwalking again and this time Drew had a bishop's meeting to which he had to attend to from 6:30pm to 10:00pm. So, he had to leave Karen alone because the rest of her siblings were busy. Though he didn't want to do that he still called, Jacky to just check up on her when she could and he let his kids know to watch after their mother. They had gone through this before right after the attack had first happened so, the kids knew the drill.

It was as if the more she progressed in her pregnancy the worse her mental health had became and that was something her family and doctors didn't want happening.

This was why Dr.Womack was so adamant that Karen and Drew suggested that they refrain
from having any sexual activity.

So, here Karen was leaving her house while everyone was knocked out. It was below freezing out after it had rained and snowed in Detroit.

It was below 20 degrees.

And goodness knows where karen was headed too while sleepwalking.

It was now 11pm and Drew was finally done with his Bishop's meeting and he had, Greg and Glynn in his car dropping them off and Jacky had done her sisterly duty of checking in on Karen and letting Drew know that Karen did not answer the phone and asked if she wanted to go check on her baby sister?

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