The Party

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: The family awaits for Karen's reactions as she's overcome with certain emotions that's unexplainable to her.

It had felt like 5 minutes had passed since, Karen and Drew had walked into the center where they held the surprise party and all they could hear was nothing but dead silence and heavy breathing. Karen slowly looked around the room at everyone that was there it was about 15 to 20 people in the room that knew them personally and closely.

Karen looked around seeing the lavender and blue color scheme theme around the room immediately knowing that they threw this party in celebration of Andrew. She looked at the tables and saw the mini decorations on the tables and the tiny cartoon bunny prints that were on the napkins. Dorinda had walked up closer to Karen as she looked around at the table not knowing what was going to happen.

While Karen was taking her time taking everything in Drew finally spoke up as he couldn't even read his wife but he knew that she was tense as she was walking around just looking at everything and at the different mini poems that were cut-out on the cardboard papers on the menus of what they were having.

"Uh." Drew started to say as he was nervously clearly his throat since, Karen was doing nothing but looking around the room and the sisters and their brother weren't sure if Karen was just to stunned too speak or if she had hated it.

"Me and my wife would just like to thank everyone for coming and my siblings for creating this wonderful celebration for us in remembrance of our late-son who would've been one years old today." Drew said taking his time saying it opening it up already with a speech since that's what he did at surprise parties and or any general party or event.

"Karen?" Drew lightly whispered to his wife who was just studying everything while the sisters walked closed by her especially Dorinda and Denise for extra arm-strength just in case one of her alters wanted to come out. "Huh?" Karen quickly turned around as she was out of her dreamy daze already beginning to think that her son was there.

"Would you like to say anything?" Drew asked her seeing that Karen always had said something after him and that's what they were waiting for to happen but this moment was kind of awkward since, Karen had wondered off looking at the tables and observing what was on them.

"I-uh, I love it." Karen said as her heart was still pounding extra hard not knowing how to really process everything as she tried not to cry. "That's it." Karen said nodding her head as she fought back hard to hold the tears and here came, Quintella. The tears wasn't tears of sadness or that she hated the tears were actually tears of joy that people actually remembered and would go out of their way of them as it did touch her heart. But Quintella wasn't having it as she felt some type of why about it.

"Tell them you hate that shit!" Quintella yelled at her. "But I don't." Karen said as she started to look off in a daze at one of the walls that had decorations on it as she started talking to her alters. "Tear that shit up!" Quintella told her. "The fuck they're making your son's death into a got damn party this ain't no damned celebration!" Quintella yelled at her. "Andrew ain't even here he's literally six feet under!" Quintella yelled at her. "I know that Quin I was just there earlier today!" Karen hollered back at her alter who ain't know how to control her mouth. "Leave her alone, Quin they're trying to do something nice for them and Andrew I think it's sweet." Alice said wrapping her arms around herself as if she was hugging her ownself while smiling.

"And that's why you're one crazy ass bitch." Quintella told, Alice as she pouted her lips.

"Put them in their place before I do it for you I haven't been out in a while NO FUCKING WAY and this is the PERFECT time to show them what we're made of since apparently we couldn't prove it to them when you were getting robbed so, now it's time for us to show out!" Quintella told her and Karen started to shake her head no as she was about start fighting with her alters, Jacky came up to their baby sister quickly taking her to the back after she had distracting everyone from waiting on Karen to say more knowing that she wasn't going to say much.

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