Chapter 22

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Uraraka stammers, trying to come up with an answer. 

"N-not at all Midoriya kun! Your c-completely right! We were the ones out of line, i shouldn't have told her that when i said i was going to be the one treating you tonight! We're so sorry!" 

Uraraka elbows the girl, who gives her a look. The girl gets the message and softly mumbles out an apology. It's quiet at the table once again. Izuku sighs and Katsuki rubs his finger in circles on Izuku's hand. Hes not sure why but it makes him feel better. Izuku looks at him and he tilts his head. 

Katsuki's heart skips a beat, and he looks away. He catches Izuku quietly laugh. The club is still as lively as ever and the whole place reminds him of the people he used to live with. Well, even if it really hasn't been that long it feels like a lifetime ago. Since his parent's death, he lived with his uncle and aunt. Both of them were monsters. 

Maybe that's why Katsuki was so in love with Izuku, besides his obvious perfection. Maybe it was because Izuku is so above it all, the aura he emits and the way he makes everyone bend to his will. Power like that had seemed so far out of Katsuki's reach, and now he had his arm wrapped around the person who truly had all the power in the world. He really doesn't know what he'd do without Izuku...

The group had started up their own conversations, laughing and yelling like a couple minutes ago didnt even happen. Its at this time that Uraraka slowly leans herelf on izukus side, fluttering her eyelashes and looking up at him. It would have been a perfect moment to take izukus lips with her own in her opinion, but its ruined when katsuki lets out a big sigh, stetching his arm and almost hits her right in the face. 

She squeaks, quickly moving back to avoid getting slapped. Katsuki grins when she shoots him a glare. 

"Sorry bout that. Hey Izuku," 

Midoriya's attention is back to Katsuki. With his other hand, the blond boy points to the dance floor. 

"Wanna go dance?" 

The table seems to get even more excited by the word 'dance', quickly climbing out of the booth. They get onto the very crowded dance floor, the changing color lights and fog machines make it stuffy and even hotter than at the tables. The loud D.Js music is something like electric and pop but enough to get the hundreds of people jumping around and screaming. 

Katsuki stands there for a second, not knowing what to do. Izuku laughs and does his own little dance. Katsuki barks out a laugh of his own, beginning to just do his own thing. They get close to each other so they could hear the others voice. 

"I thought you were scared?" 

Katsuki grips Izuku's hand, which he took back. 

"I don't get fucking scared nerd but if i was," 

Izuku rolls his eyes playfully. 

"I feel better whenever im with you."

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