Chapter 82

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Before he can get anywhere though, a loud shout stops him. A car is approaching them fast, and hanging her head out the window is someone Katsuki has never seen before.


Izuku takes a deep breath, steading himself. Katsuki feels nervousness come back to him and his shoulders tense up. The black car stops in front of them and Toga grins at them. Her sharp teeth gleam in the light. She gets out and tackles Izuku in a hug, sending him back slightly.

Izuku lets go of Katsuki's hand so he can hug his sister back. She squeals and squishes his face. Her blond hair is put into two messy space buns, her bangs framing her face nicely. She is wearing a long coat that almost covers her skirt, a pink scarf around her neck.

She turns to Katsuki and her golden eyes stare into him. The grin is still on her face and Katsuki feels his body stiffen even more. What is he supposed to do-

She gives him a big hug too, Katsuki moving the cat carrier to his side so the kitten isn't squished between them. Her excitement is screamed really close to his ear, and he winces. She pulls back.

"Your so cute! No wonder Izu likes you so much!!"

Katsuki's face flames red as he tries to come out with a response. Izuku would have come to his rescue if it wasn't for two other people coming out of the car.

¨What are you talking about Toga."

They both fix Katsuki with glares as they get out of the car, and annoyance makes his brows furrow. The first one to greet Izuku has light blue hair that is put up in a bun, his red eyes softening when they look at him. He has on a black tailcoat that covers most of him up.

Toga pouts and whispers to Katsuki, her ear cupping around her mouth and his ear.

"Thats Tomura, he's a little grouchy because i didn't tell anyone Izuku was coming until yesterday. Dabi is the one with the stitches on his face. Also grouchy. Don't take it personally!"

Dabis cold eyes stare at Katsuki and the older two turn to Izuku.

"Who is this."

Izuku gives Katsuki a smile and the blonde sees the two men's faces darken. It gets worse when Izuku goes over to him and holds his hand, trying to comfort him. Toga moves away with that same grin, nudging Tomura with her elbow.

"Katsuki Bakugou, he's my-"


At togas outburst, everyone turns to her with different expressions. Izuku looks at her blankly, used to it at this point, Katsuki's face is red again, Dabi and Tomura glaring at her. Izuku corrects her.

"We're best friends. We also live together so i wanted to bring him to meet all of you."

The attention is again put on Katsuki but he's too flustered to worry about it.

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