Chapter 66

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Izuku stares at the eyebags on Katsuki's face and feels the exhaustion weigh down his body. 

"Well i do. Toga, we'll talk to you soon, it's been a long day and me and Katsuki are tired." 

"Booooo! Loserrrr! fineee talk soon!" 

Izuku hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket. He stretches his arms above his head and yawns, finally letting sleep take him over. 

"Come on, time to sleep." 

Katsuki stands up and outstretches his hand. Getting the hint, Izuku grabs it and lets Katsuki lead him up the stairs and into their room. They get into bed (More like Izuku jumping into the blankets and getting comfortable instantly) and Katsuki hugs Izuku tightly. 

Izuku is about to pass out when Katsuki speaks again. 

"I'm sorry about... just now. I shouldn't have... You know, acted like an asshole." 

Izuku hums and tangles his fingers in his hair. His words come out slurred due to sleep. 

"You weren't being an asshole. You didn't know who it was, it was pretty shady. But if you really feel bad then you can make it up to me." 

Katsuki's fingers smooth over the ridges of his back. 


Izuku smiles. 

"Make me a biggg breakfast tomorrow. With pancakes and those sweet pop cake things, but all might theme... Cupcakes... and hero cards..." 

Katsuki laughs. 

"You can't have hero cards for breakfast nerd." 

Izuku feels sleep grip him and he mutters out a final response. 

"Yeah, i can, i saw it on T.V one time..." 

- - - -  - - - -  - - - 

"I AM HERE!!!" 

Izuku watches the T.V screen, eyes shining with that child wonder. Hes three, at least he thinks he is. 

He can't remember.

No one is here, it's just him. It's always just him. Hes alone in this big house. But not anymore, because all might is here. He saw him. His dad was with him. 

That he remembers. 

But if his dad was with all might, doesn't that make all might bad too? Or does that make his dad good? 

He can't remember. 

What was he thinking about? 

He hears the door open. When did a door get there? He didn't put that there, no this room doesn't have windows or doors. That way no one will bother him. 


His mom. Shes worried about him. She worries so much. Too much. It scares him. So, he doesn't look at her. If he does, he's sure he'll cry. 

Hed rather just stare at All might. 

All might is so cool. 

"Izuku honey, do you know where you are right now?" 

He doesn't 

What time is it? 

This time, it's not her voice. 

"Izuku. I asked you a question." 

Now he's forced to turn around. Hands grab at his face and turn his head. 

There he is. 

His dad, standing so high above him he has to crane his neck. 

What did he do this time? 

"Why the hell aren't you answering me?" 

He should have been faster. 

Something hard slaps his face and he falls over. 

He sinks onto the floor. 

His eyes just need to stay on the T.V 

All might is showing a kid hero cards 

Hes hungry 

What time is it? 

The kid gets an all might card. 


The kid puts it in his mouth and eats it 

The kid is never hungry now. 

He wishes he had an all might hero card 

Maybe then he wouldn't be so hungry 

"Wake the fuck up mistake." 

He doesn't want to 

He wants an all might hero card. 

All might is so cool. 

Hes his hero. 

Maybe if he wishes hard enough, all might will come and save him. 

Authors note: 

Comments fuel me. 


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