Chapter 127

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The man's tall frame towers over him and he tilts his head. He feels his hands clench tighter, almost shaking with the force. 


The older man breaks his expressionless face, turning it into a devilish smile. It makes Izuku even more wary. 

"If i allow Bakugou to be in the portrait with all of us, you have to go hunting with me. Does that sound doable for someone like you?" 

Izuku stares at him, deciding to ignore the dig at the end of the sentence. Inko looks up at her husband from the ground, a shocked expression on her face. 

She hiccups, wrapping her arms around herself even tighter. 

"H-Hisashi y-you can't do this Hisashi. P-please..." 

Her husband ignores her again, staring at Izuku for an answer. Izuku stares back at him, silent. 


When he was little, he would watch people go with his father into the woods. 

He doesn't know who this person is, though mama said he was someone important. A CEO, whatever that meant. 

The man has a bald head, and to Izuku's child brain it's the thing he focuses on. Not the fear in his eyes or the way his father smiles cruelly at him. 

He waits for them to come back, and hours when they finally do, his father is the only one who shows up. Though his suit is slightly dirty and there is red liquid flaking on his face. 

He grins at him. 

"Ok. Deal." 

His father nods and finally looks at inko. His brows furrow in distaste. He sighs and leans down. He grips her arm and pulls her up, the women stumbling. 

"Hisashi w-why..." 

"Be quite for a second inko." 

Without another word, the man takes his wife away, leading her by the arm. Hiashi gives Izuku one last look. 

"Get everyone. We'll be waiting." 

She is still whispering to herself as Izuku watches the two disappear. 

Toga skips next to Katsuki, the excited energy radiating off of her. Dabi follows behind them, a scowl on his face as he types angerly on his phone. 

"Where are we even going?" 

Toga grins at him. 

"You know how there aren't any pictures in the halls?" 

Katsuki nods, confused. 

"Well, they are all in this one room! Mo- Inko, is a little... Protective of all of them so she keeps them in there!" 

Katsuki notices the way Toga stops herself from saying 'mom' but doesn't comment on it. They finally stop at a huge door. 

It has inko carved on the wood, her arms outstretched as she holds something close to her. Katsuki stops, staring at it. 


Her eyes are closed, and it almost looks like she's gripping it too hard. Toga notices what he's looking at and awkwardly laughs. 

"Yeah... That was carved here before any of us arrived. It's supposed to be her and Izu." 

Clearly the person who carved this put a lot of effort into it. There is the creaking of the huge doors being opened. 

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