Chapter 139

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Izuku's body tenses up slightly at the mention of the blonde, but he doesn't dare move. His father is silent for a couple of seconds, probably waiting for a reaction. 

That smile is still on his face, and he puts his hands on his hips. He projects his voice so that Izuku has no chance of ignoring him.

"Then you go and hide like a coward. You know, this whole time i thought we were going to fight it out. But it might be easier this way." 

The man takes a step away from the tree, and he is so close to the perfect spot Izuku can feel goosebumps rise up his arms. 

"If you die out here, i wonder what will happen to that garbage you brought." 

The man takes another step. 

Izuku waits. 


Hes just right there- 

The man looks right at Izuku's hiding spot. 

His heart jumps and he holds down the trigger. A shot zooms out from where he is. The bullet wizzes past the man's face, grazing his cheek.


Izuku scrambles up, the gun ready and aimed at the man in one quick movement. It clicks when he aims it, his eyes practically glowing as they zero in on him. The white haired man does nothing but wipe at the new cut on his face. 

He stares at his hand with the blood and then at Izuku. Izuku feels his chest rising and falling quickly, but he still struggles to calm down. The man notices this and gives him a small smile. 

It sends even more chills down Izuku's spine. 

This is the first time the man has ever smiled like this. 

"You look like your about to blow up. You need to learn how to calm down." 

His tone is mocking, not at all fazed by Izuku's gun pointed right at his head. It pisses him off to no end. 

"Shut the hell up. I'm about to kill you, the least you can do is drop the fucking attitude."

The man takes a step toward him, his gun glinting in the light. The rain beats on both of them and their footsteps squelch in the mud when Izuku takes a step back. 

"You and i both know that's not true. You couldn't shoot that thing even if i was right in front of you. Do you know why that is?" 

The mans red eyes gleam with delight. Izuku's breath hitches and suddenly he feels smaller. 


"It's because no matter how hard you try; you will never be nothing but a useless waste of space." 

The man takes another step, but this time Izuku doesn't back up. He fixes his aim, his eyes determined and cold. The mud on his face darkens his gaze and he grins. 

"Well this useless waste of space is about to blow a fucking bullet into your head." 

The man glares at him and rushes toward him. His footsteps are heavy, making the mud sink below him. Izuku shoots, but it's too late. 

The man is already in front of him, a knife in his hand. Izuku lifts up the rifle and brings it as hard as he can down to the mans head. 

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