Chapter 149

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He finally has everything set up in his favor. This time, he is going to stand on top. It took a lot longer than he wanted to get everything in place, but it will all be worth it. 

He is going to end Hisashi Midoriya by putting his son behind bars.

Enji takes a couple gulps of the hot coffee in his cold hands. The steam rises up and the warmth surges through his body. 

Its dark outside, the only light coming from the moon and the streetlights. His heart races with anticipation despite the blank look on his face. 

Tonight is going to be perfect. 

Behind him there is the sounds of people slamming their doors and climbing into the cars. There is no chatter, no small talk, or anything else. 

Everyone is on edge, ready to confront Izuku Midoriya, kidnapper and killer. 

And luckily for all of them, Enji wanted them to hear when they arrived. He had told everyone to put on their sirens on. 

It would feel even better to catch Midoriya when he was running with his tail between his legs. 

Enji turns away, getting into his police car and buckling up. He drops the coffee outside of the window without a care. 

Katsuki hears the sound of a blaring alarm. He doesn't want to get up, his body heavy with exhaustion. 

But when it doesn't stop, his annoyance only rises. He opens his eyes and turns to the dresser, where Izuku's phone sits. 

The screen is flashing red, a number showing. The alarm is loud, and he sees Izuku turn in his sleep, grumbling. 

He quickly reaches over and grabs it, clicking the answer button. Izuku shifts again, eyes slowly opening, still half asleep. 


"Izuku. Get out of there. This is a serious emergency. The police are over to your place, and they will be there in less than five minutes."

Katsuki squints at the bright light of the phone, wiping at his eyes. Izuku stays laying there for a second before he bolts up right, his bedhead a mess and eyes wide. 

He grabs the phone from Katsuki's hands and puts it to his ear, yelling something to the person on the other side. Katsuki groans, the only thought in his head at the moment is going back to sleep. 

It's so late, its dark outside, cold, and he just wants to fall asleep again. 

Katsuki closes his eyes, burying his head in his hands, drifting off. 

Izuku is still yelling, but while he is doing it, the green haired boy jumps out of bed, rushing around the room to get both his and Katsuki's coats. 

The blonde looks up at him when Izuku throws his orange puffy coat at him, the zipper hitting his face. 

"Ow what the fuck..." 

Izuku isn't paying attention to him, putting his own jacket on and slamming the door open and rushing out. 

Katsuki stares after him, silently confused.

"Izuku. Get out of there. This is a serious emergency. The police are over to your place, and they will be there in less than five minutes."





Oh shit. 

Holy shit! 

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