Chapter 96

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"And how did you find out that Mr. Bakugou was being held captive by Mr. Midoriya?" 

They are in the police chief's office, the door shut and locked behind them. Not even Todoroki is allowed in the room this time. The older two are sitting in the chairs in front of the desk, Enji watching them closely.

The women fidgets with her hands, her turtleneck covering most of her body. Her husband is the one who comes up with the answer first. The two of them don't look at each other, shifting away slightly. 

"One of my work buddies saw them at a bar." 

Enji takes his notepad and starts to write, making note of anything that might be important. He looks back at them, his eyes focused. The women still doesn't meet anyone's eyes, staring at her hands on the desk. 

"And was there anything indicating that he was there against his will?" 

The older man looks at him baffled. His voice raises slightly, and his mouth turns down in a frown when he speaks. 

"It's a bar. That kid could barely leave the house without tearing up, no way in hell he's going to a bar full of people!" 

The women looks up for the first time since coming into the office. Her eyes are wary and the eye bags she has makes her face look sunken. 

"W-what my husband means s-sir is that Katsuki has always k-kept to himself, there was no way that he would go to a place like that, i-it just isn't like h-him." 

Enji nods, making a sound of understanding. He puts the notepad down with a soft thud and clicks his pen. 

"What happened when you went to Mr. Midoriya's house? Can you walk me through it?" 

They both look at each other, and the man opens his hand out towards her. She takes a second, hesitating. She takes his hand and holds it. 

"Well, we knocked on the door and after a minute or two Katsuki opened up. My wife was hugging him, and they were both crying. You could just tell by the look on his face, he was terrified." 

Enji jots this down. He hears someone walking around on the other side of the door. Probably Shoto pacing around again. Or trying to listen to what's going on. 

"W-we were just asking what was going o-on, why he left b-but..." 

She trails off and her husband takes over for her again. 

"Then the green haired kid, Midoriya or whatever his name was comes out and pushes her. Of course, i get mad, no one pushes my wife. Suddenly the door is shut in our faces! He comes out with a knife, telling us if we don't leave, he's going to call the cops." 

Todoroki nods, his eyebrows furrowed. 

"So, to clarify, Mr. Midoriya came out with a knife and threatened the two of you?" 

They both nod and Enji closes his notepad. He leans forward, his grim expression boring into the other two. 

"I promise that we will get Mr. Bakugou back home safely. Thank you for taking the time to come here today." 

The women puts her hands to her face and softly cries, small tears leaving her eyes. 

"Thank y-you so much..." 

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