Chapter 115

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"Take me to her." 

The maid bows again. She walks smoothly to the door of the room, opening it. Izuku follows her but stops to look at Katsuki. He gives him a brighter smile, looking less tired now. His eyes shine. 

"Ask someone to take you to the grand kitchen while i sort this whole thing out." 

Katsuki raises a brow, and he looks like he's about to laugh. Izuku rolls his eyes, the smile still on his face. 

"The name seems like overkill, but you'll see its well-deserved when you get there. Your gonna love it." 

Izuku pats his shoulder, lingers for a moment, before following the maid to the door. He turns back. 

"Have fun! If anyone asks anything say i sent you! And tell Kurogiri i said hi!" 

Katsuki waves as they leave and sees his reflection in the mirrors again. He looks way less sleep deprived now. He takes a deep breath, and the smile melts off his face, his natural glare back on his face. 

He turns on his heel and briskly walks out of the door, taking a turn in the hall. His red eyes scan the hallways quickly. A young maid is carrying a big laundry basket full of white sheets. Her eyes land on Katsuki approaching and yelps. 

She quickly turns and runs as fast as she can down in the opposite direction. Katsuki stares after her for only a second before he's sprinting behind her. 

"Wait bitch! Why are you running hah!?" 

He reaches his arm out and grabs onto the back of her uniform collar. He holds it tight and pulls, forcing her back onto her ass. The laundry basket launches and sheets are on the ground. She yelps again, trying to cower away from him. 

"Oh no you don't!" 

Katsuki stops her by pushing his foot against her back, making her scream. She tries to claw at him. He grins at his victory, but it only makes her louder. 

"Please don't hurt me! Get off of me or i will have you escorted out! Get off!" 

Katsuki's red eyes shine, and he grins wider. He leans close to her. The fear on her face is clear, and it reminds him of when he followed Uraraka with a knife. 

"Your fault for fucking running extra. Show me the way to the grand kitchen. Izuku told me if anyone refused, he'd have them put six feet under. Understand?" 

Clearly this was a lie, but the way the women turns almost as white as the sheets is beyond satisfying. She stammers, putting her hands flat on the ground. She turns away. 


Katsuki lifts his foot up and lets her scramble up. She collects the white sheets and grabs the basket. She tries her best not to look at him as she shows him the way, Katsuki following behind her. 

Finally, she stops at a big door, almost as big as the one in the main dining room. This one has carvings of food instead of the family tree though. She looks at the ground, mumbling. 


Before Katsuki can say anything, she quickly walks away. He stares at the door, annoyance building up yet again. He calls after her. 

"How the hell am i gonna open this shit!?" 

She doesn't answer, but he knows she heard him by the way she momentarily jumps and walks faster. He tchs and looks back at the door. 

It doesnt matter that we're crazyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin