Chapter 151

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"What the hell is going on in there!?" 

Enji sees the smoke coming from the fire and even smells it, turning to tower over a poor officer who had the misfortune of being the one standing right next to the angry man. 

All the while the fire is spreading, the remaining officers that went inside come running out, clearly out of their element. 

One of them are dialing the fire department, the others trying to scout out the surrounding area to make sure that Bakugou and Midoriya haven't escaped. 

The police officer fearfully darts his eyes anywhere but Enji, which seems to piss him off even more. 

"A fire broke out and we lost sight of Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo sir! It seems like Bakugou was the one who started it-" 


"I-I am only stating what i saw s-sir-" 

"Then why the hell aren't you in there trying to stop it?! We're here to catch a murderer, not suck our damn thumbs!" 

The officer gets pitied glances from his collogues, though no one steps in to take some of the older man's heat.  He silently begs them for help, but everyone just turns away. 

"S-some of the men have called the fire department. T-They should be here a-any minute sir!-" 

"And what about Midoriya and Bakugo!?" 

The officer takes a nervous glance at the burning house, which is only getting worse, then back at Enji. 

"No one has seen them leaving the house s-sir..." 

Todoroki looks at the burning building. Some of the buildings supports break apart, sending a side of the front porch crashing to the ground. 

Dust and smoke rise into the night sky, tainting the once clear night with the smell of burning flesh and wood. 

He watches on, a firm glare set onto his face that seems to be making itself permeant. He grits his teeth and clenches his fists, practically shaking. 

He will not have all his hard work go to waste.

He charges to the building, some of the officers yelling at him to stop. He doesn't, crashing through the porch and into the house that is covered in hot flames. 

His eyes fill up with tears because of all the smoke, and he lets out a series of coughs that shake his body. 

He covers his mouth and keeps moving, his heavy footfalls only seeming to make the destruction worse as things continue to fall around him. 

His eyes wildly dart around his surroundings, looking for something, someone, anything that will serve as the closure that he deserves. 

The closure that he finally has the revenge he so desperately wanted, the downfall of the midoriya family. 

Not even bothering to step over the burning bodies of his fellow police officers, he goes into the kitchen. 

When he gets there, he is stopped, rooted into the floor.

The wall is already destroyed, opened up to reveal the sky outside. There are footsteps in the ground, clearly left by a pair of boots. 

Todoroki races towards them, ready to follow wherever they lead. The two of them couldn't have gotten far, that's for sure. 

They had to be close, close enough so he could catch them. 

He gets over the threshold of the opening, the house finally giving in and collapsing. He doesn't have time to dwell over his near-death experience, desperately racing to the tracks. 

They are so faint that the smallest mistake will ruin them. He can't let that happen, so he looks ahead. 

They seem to lead over the fence. He hears the sirens of an ambulance in the distance, but still doesn't stop. He feels small droplets fall down his back but thinks it's just sweat. 

He gets to the fence and jumps it. When he lands, the area is covered in mud, and he slips. He looks at the tracks, ready to continue. Just up ahead there is a small forest. 

If he is able to follow the tracks and get to them, he can put an end to this hunt. 

He can be at peace. 

He can finally finally be number one.

This is his chance. 

The sweating gets worse, and he looks up. 

Rain droplets fall onto his face. 

His expression contorts into one of further desperation. A man on the brink of madness, one with nothing more to lose. 

A broken man with nothing else to live for. 

He runs to the forest where the footprints lead, but as he does so, the rain only starts to get worse. It beats down on his uniform and onto his head. 

He crumbles, falling to his knees. 

The footprints have been washed away. 

He doesn't even have to turn around to know that the fire has stopped as well. 

A broken man with nothing else to live for 

He stares into the trees blankly, his hands shaking in the mud. 

"Today's top story. Izuku Midoriya, son of billionaire Hisashi Midoriya, has been found guilty of kidnapping and murder. The main victim, Katsuki Bakugou, was abducted by his family and taken to Midoriya's household, where he was then forced into unseemly acts. Before being arrested, Midoriya set the house on fire, killing himself and Bakugou. We have talked with a number of people for this case, and this is what they had to say." 

A headline appears under the screen, now showing a girl and two boys in school uniforms. 

"Midoriya and Bakugou were friends! Anyone who says otherwise is crazy!" 

"Yeah! Midoriya would never do something like that!" 

"We don't care what anyone else thinks! We know the truth!" 

The screen cuts back to the reporter sitting at her desk. 

"Despite some people claiming Midoriya is innocent, a body was found in the house just before it caught on fire. Hisashi Midoriya and the rest of the Midoriya family have refused to say anything about this case, which seems to elevate suspicions further. Police have also stated that Midoriya is guilty of murdering Ochako Uraraka, a girl in his class." 

"As more details of the case are revealed, the caretakers of Katsuki Bakugou have taken a stand, stating that they think of Bakugou every single day." 

The screen cuts to two people, the women sobbing into the mans arm, who hugs her tightly. 

"W-We just wish we w-were there for him more while he was growing u-up... Maybe then none o-of this would have happened!" 

She continues to sob, turning away. The man looks at the camera, a sad expression on his face. 

"We just hope he is watching over us in heaven." 

The screen goes back to the reporter. 

"A grieving family dealing with the loss of their loved one. They will be taking donations to help with this loss. The link with be posted on our website for anyone who would like to help. Thank you for listening, and we will keep you posted with future updates." 

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